Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 1 - Views: 8568
Temp Attack and Defense Boost effects more than Melee Attack Damage
From what I've noticed it seems like Temp Attack and Defense Boost (any versions) effect more than Melee Attack Damage:

Here's what it also effects:

  1. Grenade
  2. Range Attack Damage

Range Attack Damage is also based off of if your using the +100 or +150 Range Attack Damage skill set
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 1 - Views: 6973
Difference in dash between light and heavy weapon
If you use dash with light type weapon like dagger, ginkui, you would get damage and get CCed while dashing. 

If you use heavy weapons for dash like greatsword, you neither get damaged nor CCed while dashing (actually rolling), just like backflip.
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 2 - Views: 8980
When you and your friends are laughing and your teacher tells you to stop
Well, just found it on Pinterest but I replaced it with Light Yagami from Death Note
Author: Oculin - Replies: 3 - Views: 8564
Oculin's Jet Machine Builds for Orcano and Tamakaze
Jotaku asked me to post what my current Jet Machine builds are for the races I used in PvP. They're nothing fancy and likely will change in the near future. With the exception of Underground, my goal is to maximize Speed and EPD gain. I use Kuromaru Manpuku for my Shooter since her special trick gives an EPD A boost. 100% EPD special gives the extended boost, which I rely pretty heavily on.

Orcano - This Jet Machine became almost exclusively for Underground Tunnels since it has good ha
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 6340
More anime games come to mobile than PC and consoles
[Video: http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K...QcM&t=491s]

Releasing games on mobile also means that the game might involve P2W aspects when it comes to competitive gaming. And we all know that P2W negatively affect competitive gaming.

But due to that game developers may make more money and provide continuous updates and new contents to the existing players, which results in players play pretty longer. This is the main point which the most anime games on PC and consoles e
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 8130
6 Best Anime Based MMORPG of 2022
As of April 2021, best anime MMORPG games are
Kurtzpel (PC),
Genshin Impact (PC, PS4, Mobile),
Phantasy Star Online 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox),
Aura Kingdom (PC),
SoulWorker (PC),
Tower of Fantasy (PC, Mobile),

A List of Best Anime MMORPG Games
Here we cover Best Anime MMORPG games that keep updating, and released within 10 years.
The list is based on [url=https://www.animeesports.com/Thread-Best-Anime-Games-2020-2021-Ranked-Reviewed-By-Gamers--1188]Best An
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 2 - Views: 6913
Relationship between the patch on character appearance and online multiplayer
The topic we will discuss this time is when the game developer only updates patches related to the appearance of the game character.

In fact, many games are making updates related to the character appearance. However, in general, the actual game content other than that is also updated.

Personally, I think online multiplayer must be active in order to sell content related to character appearance well. Because there are a lot of people to show off their gorgeous costumes. In fact, many succe
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 1 - Views: 5964
Snacks, Junk Foods and Fast Foods perfect for gamers
What do you eat while gaming, or not eating at all? In these days, I sometimes eat fruits like apples, snack like potato chips but usually I don't eat that often because I need to focus on the game since in these days I mostly play PvP games that needs a concentration for a long time.

But many years ago especially when I played MMORPG on PC, usually grinding and farming games, yes I ate somewhat a lot more such as instant ramen (noodle), humburger, coke all together lol they were my favorite
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 4 - Views: 8051
Kandagawa Jet Girls Multiplayer is still active while SAO:FB and TG:CTE are all dead!
Today we got an announcement from Admin that AEG Pro League sessions for Tokyo Ghoul:re Call to Exist and Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet have been shut down due to no population. However, we still see that Kandagawa Jet Girls multiplayer and its group are still active. I'm very impressed with your patience and enthusiasm for the Kandagawa Jet Girls, and also I'm enormously impressed that your patience and passion have surpassed those of people for the other two games. I could feel the weight of
Author: Divine_211 - Replies: 0 - Views: 6831
100% Humanoid Defense And How To Utilize It
Humanoid defense is a chip you can get on accessories that increases your defense against (enemey players) that are AI that spawn in your offline worlds but they also increase your defense against real players in pvp this chip maxes out at 18.25% and being by you can have two of these accessories equiped you can have 36.5% humanoid defense but this is only with normal humanoid defense chips if you raise your bounty high enough you get gear with chips higher than the cap and one of these pieces o