Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 8332
As of May 19th 2021, I still look for fate extella link multiplayer friends
As of May 19th, I still look for fate extella link multiplayer friends.
If you do own game please comment below with your PSN ID.
My PSN ID is AEG_Jotaku, feel free to add me. Thanks.
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 7236
As of May 31th 2021, I am still looking for Kurtzpel PvE Co-op friends
Hi guys, I need friends who can do pve missions and coops with me.
If you can, please add me into your friendlist. My in-game id is "AEGxJotaku".

Thank you very much!
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 3999
I need multiplayer friends of Kandagawa Jet Girls game
Hi guys if you think you are ok with my invitation to Kandagawa Ket Girls multiplayer around evening time of any random days, please do let me know your psn ID. You don't always need to join, but I do hope you join when you see my invitation directly on screen.

My psn id os "AEG_Jotaku", thanks.
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 6433
Now I am reckoning why people would even visit a website like this
People visit gmail to check email.
People visit gematsu to get latest info about anime games.
then what about this website

Probably finding these answers and develop new contents around them is what we need to focus on

Things I have observed why people visit website like this and join the event
1. to clarify/know who are top players of blah blah anime games
2. to play multiplayer since it's hard to play multiplayer for anime games
3. to find guides/builds but I think this is one of the least r
Author: KWSM11cak10keitodama - Replies: 6 - Views: 7077
I'm looking for someone who can do SAOFB hero pvp
Since I am Japanese, I write letters while using a translator. If anyone can do hero PvP, please tell me the PSID.
Author: Divine_211 - Replies: 0 - Views: 3896
I finally became top hundreds speed runner
I finally broke through from the bottom  thousands into the upper hundreds worl wide in a few of the hardest dungeons in saofb im so god dame happy right now special challenge y was really annoying and was messing up my time a ton forcing me to reset and I finally learned how to do the switch glicht properly helping me with behemoth

Special Challenge y: 2 minutes 41 seconds 
Special Invitation y: 1 minute 44 seconds
Behemoth MT-02: 2 seconds 97 milliseconds 

Author: ferib - Replies: 2 - Views: 3096
Hello I'm Ferib!
Hello all,

Just joined this community and wanted to let you know I am developing a private server for MangaFighter (aka Qpang).
It's an old anime shooter game that I played as a kid, and I'm trying to bring it back.

Hope any of you is interested in an anime shooter, this is an anime gaming community after all Wink
My server (and research on reversing) is up at AnimeShooter.com, it also has a blog/news site where I publish my latest work/changes/news, et
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 6572
As of August 2021, I still look for fate extella link multiplayer friends
As of August 2021, I still look for fate extella link pvp friends.
If you do own game please comment below with your PSN ID.
My PSN ID is AEG_Jotaku, feel free to add me.
I have a group chat with more than 10 fate extella link players so you can join here and play with us.

Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 6974
As of August 2021, I still look for tokyo ghoul re call to exist multiplayer friends
As of August 2021, I still look for tokyo ghoul re call to exist multiplayer friends.
If you do own game please comment below with your PSN ID.
My PSN ID is AEG_Jotaku, feel free to add me.
I have a group chat with more than 10 tokyo ghoul re call to exist players so you can join here and play with us.
They will help you a lot.

Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 9395
As of August 2021, I still look for senran kagura peach beach splash pvp friends
As of August 2021, I still look for senran kagura peach beach splash pvp friends.
If you do own game please comment below with your PSN ID.
My PSN ID is AEG_Jotaku, feel free to add me.
I have a group chat with more than 10 senran kagura peach beach splash pvp players so you can join here and play with us.
They will help you a lot.