Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 0 - Views: 5954
Each character has their own weapon memory chip
I'm not going through all of them but if you want to see the weapon memory chips just press square on the character you have selected, this should show you their stats, keep pressing square until their weapon stats are shown (they'll be one per page).

For example Kureha has auto-reload rate for her Deneb Kaitos (Rocket launcher) sometimes giving her six shots before reloading instead of three

As for Kirito he deals additional damage if he hits a player behind and when HP is low, but Kiriko
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 3322
Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet Memory Chips
Memory Chips in Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet does affect huge in terms of your performance in PvE, Co-op, PvP, etc.
If you are looking for the best Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet Memory Chips, please refer to our meta builds section.
The game hasn't updated since we have created such fantastic builds, so it should work as of writing this in November 2021.