Author: Admin - Replies: 3 - Views: 12337
[Quinx, Tsunagi & Rinkaku <Impact>] 1vs1 Bugged Build
I doubt if there would be any updates, but if the game ever gets updated, this is the thing to be considered.
This is a bugged build that provides double effects and this build works greatly in 1vs1 dueling with this bugged feature, but not much effective in team fight game, especially against pro players who know how to deal with this build. So use it with safety. You also will highly utilize auto-teleporting feature of this game that people normally don't know.

If you play CCG, you can use fo
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 7 - Views: 16446
[Quinx, Iraft & Ukaku] CCG Tanker (not working due to no gamemode requires tanking)
THIS IS A BUILD FOR FUTURE PURPOSE. NOT REALLY WORKING WELL RIGHT NOW BECAUSE CURRENTLY NO GAMEMODE IN THE GAME REQUIRES TANKING. We will update the build if they add new game mode that tanking become necessary, like Overwatch or whatever objective game that requires others than just killing. 

A highly defensive build that can make some visible damage while having tremendous amount of sustainability
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 2 - Views: 6607
[Quinx] Combat-Medic (Campaign Build)
Difficulty rating: Hard
(based on the amount of time and effort that is required to properly learn to play)

[align=center][font=Roboto, sans-serif][color=#ff4136][size=large][i][b]NOTICE: The build dose not work as we
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 2 - Views: 10509
[Quinx, Owl Type-0 & IXA Zero, & Ukaku] CCG Marshal
Difficulty rating: Easy
(based on the amount of time and effort that is required to properly learn to play)

Both Builds provide swift awakening, allowing providing assault/support within the battle 

[LEFT IMAGE]: Swap Attack +150 for more Awakening, or Change it to Attack damage +75 (to keep +15 defense) 
[LEFT IMAGE]: Awakening Fill rate +120 can be swapped for +160 Awakening Fil
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 2 - Views: 6766
[Quinx, Iraft & Ukaku] Sole Survivor
Difficulty rating: Easy
(based on the amount of time and effort that is required to properly learn to play)

You provide heavy damage upon reaching low health, and allows less usage of your med-kit

[color=#aaaaaa]Awakening Fill Rate can be swapped for 70+ Health (-50 Awakening Gauge
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 7105
[Quinx, Ginkui & Rinkaku] CCG Lieutenant

A build with highly balanced stats in both offense and defense. Your play will differ to each of 2 cases, ranged and close cases.

HP+60% can be replaced with your own choice.

  • With this Rinkaku, you can use 2 kinds of skills. 1 of them will make large movement that jumps yourself frontal to hit the enemy. However, it is not recommended using that skill too much because you would have more chance to be exposed to enemy
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 1 - Views: 6141
[Quinx, Yyukimuria Tri & Ukaku] Supernal
[size=medium][size=medium][font=Roboto, sans-serif]Difficulty rating: [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=large]Intermediate[
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 5 - Views: 10216
[Quinx, Tsunagi <Plain> & Ukaku] Wallop
This build provides both a balance with Melee and Ranged Attack Damage, allowing this build to be used in and out of combate

  • You can apply 150+ Attack Damage (at the cost of -50 Defense)
  • You can also swap for Kura <Kou> (Provides less movement speed but increases Range Attack Damage with Wild Fire Skill)
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 5 - Views: 10143
[Quinx, Sasori Zero 1/56 & Rinkaku] Bestir
Difficulty rating: Easy
(based on the amount of time and effort that is required to properly learn to play)

This build mimics the similarity of Rampage, allowing both Defense and Offence in Combat

  • [size=medium][b]Health
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 6 - Views: 11212
[Quinx, Ginkui <Mimic> & Ukaku] Piraya
Difficulty rating: Intermediate
(based on the amount of time and effort that is required to properly learn to play)

[color=#111111][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=medium][size=medium][color=#aaaaaa]OVERVIEW[/s