Author: Jotaku - Replies: 1 - Views: 8080
How to dodge Kishou Arima's lightening bolt, and special moves?
When you play ghoul or premade anime characters, just press only dash button, then your character will backflip. 
This backflip has 100% chance to evade all incoming attacks.

Unfortunately, all custom CCG characters can't use it, but premade anime characters like Haise can do it.

Also, there is a small chance to be immune to special move's stun effect, you just use skill at the same time your enemy performs special move.

Also, getting into awakening mode will provide you immunity against such
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 1 - Views: 8052
How to escape a Special Move (L1 Button) [PvP Guide]

  1. Getting hit by a NPC or player
  2. Using your Awaken State [R3]
  3. Back flip (only works if done before. May not always work
I remember the mention of Ken Kaneki [All versions] being able to escape the Super Attack as well.