Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 4509
Are there any games that you think are unfortunate?
Are there any games that you think are unfortunate, not because of stories?

Personally, I like Tokyo Ghoul:re Call to Exist a little more than Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet. Because the combat system feels more sticking to my hand and style. Fatal Bullet feels like that in a world where guns are considered a basic tool in war, it is forcibly inserted a lightsaber that would appear in the world of Star Wars, so kinda imitating western gaming style, while Tokyo Ghoul:re Call to Exist feels more
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 4963
What Next Gen Gaming Platform(s) are you getting?
Previously, I actually had a Nintendo Switch. However, the console environment was quite difficult to play games for multiplayer unless the game is very popular which basically has lots of player base, like OverWatch.

For example, chat between players is prohibited. Although you can register Twitter on the console and speak on Twitter, it is true that it is still a difficult structure in gaming where talking in real time is important.

I was originally going to buy a PS5. But in the past, Sony
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 8881
Do you use Social Media for gaming?
In my experience, social media such as Twitter and Facebook are good platforms for companies to advertise and sell their products, but I think it is a difficult platform to find friends who can play games. In fact, the Nintendo Switch also has a Twitter add-on, but even if I make friends with someone, I've never encountered anyone asking me to play a game with on Twitter.

In my experience, the best methods were PS Community, PS Chat, Steam Chat, and in-game chat. Discord wasn't exactly a plat
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 4729
Do you have any childhood memories of gaming?
I was in Northeast Asia in the late 90's. At the time, you could go to the arcade center to play games, or go to the game store to play games at home by buying the games and consoles you wanted. I did both, usually go arcade center when I needed competitive gaming, otherwise playing games at home. But what was most remarkable and exciting was that if there was a blockage while playing the game, I went to the bookstore and looked at the game magazine's solution to solve the problem. If I couldn't
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 4977
Do you think Discord is the best gaming tool?
I personally don't think Discord is the perfect tool for gaming (of course I don't think the forum software used on this website is also suitable as a gaming tool). The reason is that Discord's add-ons such as bots and roles are so powerful that you can't focus on gaming. Personally, playing with bots, chatting, and VC were more fun than gaming, so I spent more time there than gaming.

That's not all. See the disboard.org website. In fact, there are many servers that have
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 2 - Views: 4217
Do you pre-order video games?
Have you pre-ordered any video games before? 
I have been using Amazon since 2015 and have done preorder some, but not before I started using Amazon. 
Personally, among the games listed on the Best Anime Games page, I pre-ordered several video games of them, such as Senran Kagura, Fate, Sword Art Onlne games and so on. 

But, I don't pre-order all the times for all videogames I get. I pre-or
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 3427
What eSports game should you play?
What eSports game should you play? We recommend that you choose eSports games that you are the most passionate about. 
However, later you will also need to consider difficulty levels of the eSports tournaments, because just being passionate will not make you succeed if there exists thousands of player who are also passionate about the game you play. It's still better to get some rewards from smaller tournaments than being left nothing in bigger tournaments.

[b]Here is a list of some eSports
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 4721
Are you ok with PvP form of Blue Protocol?
PvP of Blue Protocol is basically a form of wave.

Seriously, does anyone feel ok with this kinds of PvP? For me it's like hm... 
Hope I can feel competitiveness, which is the most important.
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 6945
Hi guys~ If you came to this website via Google Search, please see this!
Hi guys, since we lost our PS community which was our main resource that advertised this website since Sony decided to terminate PS community service, I really want to see that if there are any anime people who found this website through Google search (or any other search engines like Yahoo, Bing, etc). For that reason, currently we are mainly focusing on Google search visibility.

If you came to this community via Google or any other search engines, please reply in this thread and say me hello
Author: Corax - Replies: 1 - Views: 7071
Why would you use Taunting Yell?
[Image: https://i.imgur.com/krnWock.png]
When it comes to Taunting Yell and PvP, it looks like these things shouldn't be mixed. In Co-op and Single-Player Taunting Yell increases hate towards you to every NPC enemy it hits but how do you wanna do that in PvP? Players won't just start attacking you because you used that skill...

[align=justify]If you aren't crazy, you wouldn't bring this skill to an actual PvP. However in Hero PvP (only in Team Deathmatch) there are 2