Author: Admin - Replies: 0 - Views: 8354
Featured Anime Gamer Winter 2021
AEG is an online community centered around anime and videogames, especially anime games. For this reason we encourage you to try an anime game if you haven't played yet.

If you are interested in playing anime games, please keep reading!

In this article, we will find out if you can like anime games.

PART 1: Combat Style
Well, it's tedious to talk about a difference between anime games and non-anime games is just a character looking, so we will skip mentioning m
Author: Admin - Replies: 2 - Views: 30629
New eSports Teams [current-year]
As of 2025, new eSports teams are
GoldenDragon [US],
WolfPack [EU],
... More in the ranking table above!

Are you looking for new Esports Teams?
If you are looking for the public best esports team that anyone can join, rather than an esports team that only a few people can join like NRG or FaZe, you have come to the right place!

The above teams are the new Esports teams selected through the gaming competition of Anime Esports called AEG Pro League, and also some other l
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 8600
2021 can be dark ages of this community, but...
The answer is kinds of right.

The reason why it is being said is that simply there is no announced anime games with massive PvP features until the end of Blue Protocol MMORPG on PC, which would be possibly released in NA region 2 years later. But until then, no. Nothing.

Of course, there is always 1vs1 fighting anime games with their tournaments, but in terms of massively online multiplayer anime games which this community focuses on, there is none.

Since most anime games doesn't receiv
Author: Admin - Replies: 0 - Views: 7369
AEG Anime Gaming All Stars 2020 Fall
AEG Anime Gaming Clan was formed back in 2018 and have been playing anime games competitively in last few years, and today we want to introduce some noticeable players, whom we have discovered so far whose gaming skills are exceptional, but not only that, also along with their strong passions on anime games! They are the winners of AEG Pro League of previous season!

We really hope that you subscribe their livestreams. Your supports on them will greatly improve anime gaming area.
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 11074
No anime games with PvP 2021
Lol probably anime game developers ditched this part and started to solely focus on pve only anime games since they realized the success of Genshin Impact (although what I heard is that they don't get much revenue compared to the number of players they have). If this trends go for a long time we really need to change to MMO on PC, or change the theme of community I guess, like from competitive anime gaming to anime or regular anime gaming.

But the problem is if we focus on regular anime gaming,
Author: Admin - Replies: 10 - Views: 24044
Apply to AEG Pro League [MID-WINTER 2021 Season]

From March 1st 2021, AEG Pro League changes the way how players join from its "free style" to "application through the website".

Apply to AEG Pro League Mid-winter 2021 Season by voting above!
4 Anime games with highest number of voters will be selected by February 27th, 2021 and will be announced here about what are chosen.
The sessions you vote above is for AEG Pro League Mid-winter Season that starts from March 1st and ends around the end of April.
Author: Admin - Replies: 3 - Views: 11130
Apply to AEG Pro League [Summer 2021]

Welcome to AEG Pro League
Are you looking for easy eSports to win with cash prizes, significantly a lot easier compared to other leagues such as ESL Pro League, BlizzCon?
AEG Pro League is designed to be the easiest eSports league to win in the world for everyone!
Following is how AEG Pro League makes its eSports league the easiest in the world:
1) the number of players who receive rewards is wide,
2) we provide various types of rewards,
3) we play around less p
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 7738
Best Anime Games in Steam as of 2021
As of March 2021, 10 best anime games in Steam by the order of Top Sellers are:
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
Phantasy Star Online 2
Persona® 5 Strikers
HuniePop 2: Double Date
Persona 4 Golden
Attack on Titan 2 - A.O.T.2 - 進撃の巨人2

* We excluded Final Fantasy XIV, Street Fighter V because they are NOT anime games but somehow in the list of anime games by Steam. Having one or two i
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 6533
Best Anime Games for Android 2021
As of March 2021, 10 best anime games for Android 2021 by the order of Top Grossing Games are:
Genshin Impact
The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross
AFK Arena
Summoners War
Honkai Impact 3rd
Fire Emblem Heroes
Epic Seven
Fate/Grand Order

You can always check best anime games android in this page (open it as a tab, not through Google Play app).
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 2 - Views: 13818
8 Best Kawaii Games as of 2021
Gal*Gun 2 (PC, PS4, Switch)

As you see, this is a shooter game. Basically the motivation of this game is anime girl + gun. I remember there was a trend in anime gaming industry long time ago about anime girl + girl = perfect. And that probably motivates this game and Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash and even more, Hentai Arena | Battle Royale. This is one of the most kawaii anime games on PS4. Make sur