Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1262
6 Best RTS Games [current-year]
6 Best RTS Games 2024

Real-Time Strategy, or simply RTS for short, is a genre of video games that is unlike any other. Where other gaming genres have some predefined outcomes for a given narrative or environment, RTS games free players of any limitation and each match’s outcome is solely based on the player’s actions.

This is one of the top reasons why RTS games are popular among fans as the
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1433
3 Best Upcoming RTS Games [current-year]-[next-year]
3 Best Upcoming RTS Games 2024-2025

It wasn’t that long ago that the entire gaming industry revolved around a genre so homogeneously. The last time something of this nature was observed was in the early '90s. But after the advancement in technology and the downfall of the RTS genre, it seems gaming has evolved to be more than just a simple genre. While it has brought us whole new genres it h
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 2523
Unleash Your Gaming Potential at EVO Japan 2024.4.27-4.29 at Ariake GYM-EX, Tokyo!
Unleash Your Gaming Potential at EVO Japan 2024.4.27-4.29 at Ariake GYM-EX, Tokyo!

Figure 1-1. EVO 2024 Japan Rohto

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. [size=medium][jump-to-section=game2]EVO History
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1740
6 Best Japanese RTS Games [current-year]
6 Best Japanese RTS Games 2024

The 90s were truly an era of innovation and growth. Gaming as a medium took its modern shape in those formative years. Supporting this growth were developers who focused on making the games as optimized as possible. A feat that in the old days of megabyte RAM was not a luxury, but a necessity. One of the best genres to push optimization to the extreme was RTS. The
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 872
3 Best Esports Games for Android [current-year]
3 Best Esports Games for Android 2024

Android gaming a term that was non-existent a decade ago, has now taken over the gaming industry. As the recent 2024 metrics show that nearly half of all revenue from gaming comes from the Android and iOS market. This is exactly why the sudden rise of esports in such titles should not come as a surprise to many. Because of the rise of the player ba
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 6363
Unveiling Exciting Plans of Eternal Return 2024: New Year's Skins and a Sneak Peek into the Future!
Unveiling Exciting Plans of Eternal Return 2024: New Year's Skins and a Sneak Peek into the Future!

Figure 1. Eternal Return 1.0
It's hard to believe only six months have passed since the official release of Eternal Return 1.0 an
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1486
3 Best Anime FPS Games [current-year]
3 Best Anime FPS Games 2024

Japan the land of the rising sun is known far and wide worldwide for the multitude of games from action-packed platformers to heart-wrenching RPGs. But one genre that seems to have evaded the eastern developers is FPS. There is a general lack of FPS or FPS-style games coming from Japan. Or it would be more apt to say there is a lack of anime FPS games. Reasons for thi
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1518
3 Best RTS Games to Play with Friends in [current-year]
3 Best RTS Games to Play with Friends in 2024

RTS games are popular among gamers because they provide us with the perfect opportunity to test our strategic thinking, patience, and reflexes on the battleground, all in real-time. As such, playing RTS games with friends becomes all the more fun as you either team up together and fight against other players or duel with each other and help improve each
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1059
3 Best RTS Games for Beginners [current-year]
3 Best RTS Games for Beginners 2024

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that in the modern day and age of fast data, our attention spans have shortened to a dangerously low level. But if we were to only take a look back to the 90s we could see the near-god-like attention span of people, especially gamers. It also isn’t a surprise this was also the age where RTS games thrived as they alongside MOBA require
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1575
Revamped OSU! Rocks 2024: Iconic New Tracks Added to Celebrate the New Year
Revamped OSU! Rocks 2024: Iconic New Tracks Added to Celebrate the New Year

Figure 1. OSU!
OSU! is a name that has long since become synonymous with the most niche societies of gamers on the internet.