Author: Dvoramla - Replies: 4 - Views: 4052
A little bit sad xdn't
I wanna make my best to do all the thing that i have planed... but or i no have time or I no have ideas to do xdxakshkjahdajkfsa
Or I just wanna play something Cry... and I found a new game xd
It's a little bit fun... and can be run in potato pc Happy
Author: ChibiChampion - Replies: 1 - Views: 3682
Eek! Are Our Beloved Old Mecha Anime Classics Feeling a Bit Old-Fashioned Now?

Hiya, all my super-cool anime friends! giggles So, like, I've been snuggling up with some totally retro mecha anime, and I'm all, "Hmm, are these oldies getting a bit... well, old?" When we put them side by side with the new-gen mecha shows, can you spot any major diffy-wiffies in storytelling, art, character growth, and those oh-so-cool mechas? Do you think our old faves are still fab or are they feeling a bit rusty? On the flip side, are there some things from the oldies t