Hay everyone.
Here is the 2 Firefox builds which I got from Tokyobunny which i noticed are working really really well for me.
Let me know if it makes a difference for you too.
Build Firefox - Core II
Based on the Steam version, released on March 25, 2021
This is a pretty decent build to use if you don't master the Foxy, the build I tried it at the time, although I still use it (By the time I'm writing this I'm top 34 Foxy/Season 4).
[size=small][font=Verdana]The first thing as alw
[ESP] Guía Firefox - Core II
Basada en la Versión de Steam, lanzada el 25 de Marzo, 2021
Esta es una build bastante decente para usar si no dominas al Foxy; la build la probé yo en su momento, aunque la sigo usando (Para el momento en que estoy escribiendo esto soy top 34 de Foxy/Temporada 4).
Build Firefox - Core I
Based on the Steam version, released on March 25, 2021
This time I bring a build for The Core I of Firefox (Alias Foxy); this build is the one I've been using since I reached the top of Foxy... I know it's not the right fit for the Core, as there are more efficient ways to use it, but this build is simply easy to use for everyone (By the time I'm writing this I'm top 23 with Foxy/Season 5).
Firefox Mastery
Based on the Steam version, released on March 25, 2021
[size=small][font=Verdana]Although many players constantly play and find unique ways to use the mechas, there is always something that remains constant, and those would be some of the features that the mecha can offer to be able to exploit. For example, Hurricane can fly, and we all occupy it to fly (What redundancy) but, there are techniques that s
Firefox in a pixel art-style animation
Just a small video ofhow I finish making an animation with Firefox as the protagonist...
I hope to keep doing a few more for the near future....