Admin - Replies:
0 - Views: 10021
Anime Games 50% Sale for 2 days by XSEED
Just quick notice to you who are interested in anime games, XSEED went 50% sales in their online shop
(this we ekend only, so starting tomorrow).
Our recommendation is Fate EXTELLA Link and Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash though, but basically you have discounts on all anime games they sell!
For more details, read [url=https://twitter.com/XSEEDGames/status/1157
Admin - Replies:
0 - Views: 10533
AEG Tournament Result for Tokyo Ghoul:re Call to Exist
Ranking of AEG Tournament S1 RESULT
TOP #5 PLAYERS (aka " Legend of the Arena "):
Top #1. Megavenu - 5 wins 2 loses (winrate 71.42%)
https://i.imgur.com/GfS6EWs.jpg ]
Twitch & Youtube Address : Leave message to
Jotaku or request in [url=https://www.animeesports.com/forumd
Admin - Replies:
0 - Views: 6953
Rules for meta build creators
Here are some rules that you will need to follow:
1. Admin may make changes in your posts, but will notify you by private message, and also negotiate you when you disliked the change that is not about livestreamer advertisement in your post.
2. If requested by admin or someone else who are livestreamer, you must accept 3 livestreamers, who made a video about your build, to be officially advertised into your post. If you don't do this for any reasons (e.g. being away from the webs
Jotaku - Replies:
0 - Views: 11836
Anyone up for Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. Maxiboost On?
Thought we were in trouble there for a second | Code VEIN
When Tokyo Ghoul CTE fans waiting for update
Best farming missions for materials?
I want to know which are the best missions to farm materials both for ghoul and quinque ones.
I'm still a few levels away(3) to unlocking hard mode, but does it affect drops? Or what does it change exactly?
Thanks in advance to everyone who helps
Jotaku - Replies:
2 - Views: 16048
How to dodge CCG's dropped grenade in PvP for ghouls players
Just press dash before explosion, no need to backflip.
Jotaku - Replies:
1 - Views: 22034
AEG Pro League for SAO:FB has been created
We will have AEG Pro League for Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet on Friday 10PM ET, Every Week.
Hope you join if possible!
Oculin - Replies:
3 - Views: 10576
Oculin's Jet Machine Builds for Orcano and Tamakaze
Jotaku asked me to post what my current Jet Machine builds are for the races I used in PvP. They're nothing fancy and likely will change in the near future. With the exception of Underground, my goal is to maximize Speed and EPD gain. I use Kuromaru Manpuku for my Shooter since her special trick gives an EPD A boost. 100% EPD special gives the extended boost, which I rely pretty heavily on.
Orcano - This Jet Machine became almost exclusively for Underground Tunnels since it has good ha