Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 10299
How long does it take to hit Legend tier in PBS?
[size=small][color=#454545][font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]Here is Mumeii's record (NA+EU first Legend tier player)

He has took like 6months 17 days, and played 5 hours avg everyday!

Following is the record exactly when he hit the legend.
6166900pp total
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 8510
Accomplishments are invisible. How to make them visible?
To make accomplishment visible, you should finish some amount of its 3 requirements of each accomplishment you want to unlock.

So, if you want to know the requirements of the accomplishment you want to unlock, you must provide accomplishment number here. We will post the photo of that accomplishment which shows its requirements.
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 11397
How to dodge dropping nade, very useful technique in PvP
If you play CCG, you can dodge as soon as throwing gadgets so that it drops exact location you were before dodging. This is very effective in any kinds of close fight. Plus the ending result is that you have chance to make an attack and enemy get staggered by your dropped nade after your dodge.
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 1 - Views: 17364
How to unlock Kishou Arima and Centepede Kaneki? - Updated
They spawn at random chances on all maps. So there is no such guaranteed places to farm them. You just have to farm in any mission except the very first mission (I haven't seen them in that map) called Aogiri Tree Hideout. Also avoid farming them in Disposal Facility because that map is very hard to farm alone, although there exists a chance to get Kisho Arima. 

If you need Kishou Arima, play as Ghoul on hard campaign.
If you need Centepede Kaneki, play as CCG on hard campaign.

Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 0 - Views: 13899
How to easily defeat CCG Reaper ("Death") Exploit (Video Walkthrough)
Both videos are show in Cochela area


What to use:
  • Rinkaku <smash>
  • Ukaku
  • Ukaku <Single wing>
Character (Optinal): 
  • Ken kaneki -Centipede-
  • Ken kaneki -dragon-
  • Touka kirishima
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 1 - Views: 20195
How to easily get Kishou Arima -Quinque Shards- (UPDATED)
NOTICE: This guide will only give you Quinque Shards not Chunks, and you may not always be given the shards first go. You can also gain them through PvP!
Looking for how to defeat Kishou Arima easy? Click this link: https://www.animeesports.com/showthread.php?tid=891

[Video: http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D07MrvkPyhw]
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 3 - Views: 16591
How to beat Disposal Facility [HARD] | (Accomplishment No. 37)
NOTICE: It would be better to do this online rather than offline. But if can be done offline as well

Here's a video demonstration of me doing the run solo
[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ar4OdD8ZsQ&t=15s]
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 14864
There is no level in Tokyo Ghoul: CTE. They just show how long you played.
Some asked me if level (1~200) affects the performance of characters, the answer is no.
So this is not level, but may represent just how long you have played the game.
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 1 - Views: 10737
How to unlock characters?
You need to beat the character in campaign mode to unlock, in any difficulty.
Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 1 - Views: 10475
[PvP, Investigator Guide] How to preform a self revival
Doing this it will NOT keep Temp Attack and Defense boost (Super Attack/Low Health/Heal/Revive Allies)

In order to do a self revival, you require this skill: Random HP upon Dealing Damage
This skill can be found in:
  • Ifraft β & Abksol β
  • Ginkui <Mimic>
  • Demon Yamada 1 <Common>
  • 13's Jason lll
  • Bikaku (Quinx)
You also need to have an Incendiary for this to work. When you are on low health throw an [