Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 11376
There is no level in Tokyo Ghoul: CTE. They just show how long you played.
Some asked me if level (1~200) affects the performance of characters, the answer is no.
So this is not level, but may represent just how long you have played the game.
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 3 - Views: 5236
Does draft level 2 or above trigger hyperspeed?
I was trying practicing this hyperspeed thing but unsure which draft level + speed boost cause hyperspeed.

Obviously it doesn't look like it gets hyperspeed at draft level 1.

Plus does this hyperspeed end automatically if I ran out of speed boost while speed boosting?
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1559
Arcana Heart 3 Is Here to Take Your Arcade Duels Up to the Next Level!
Arcana Heart 3 Is Here to Take Your Arcade Duels Up to the Next Level!

Figure 1. Arcana Heart 3 LoveMax Six Stars

Gear up, arcaders! It’s about time you get warmed up just right for your next arcade duel. exA-Arcadi