Jotaku - Replies:
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Looking for a squad for Super Mecha Champions PC Version
Hello, I am a newbie started this anime fortnite game so recently.
My in-game id is "Jotaku", I am SMC-STEAM-US server on Super Mecha Champions PC.
Please reply to it below, or simply send friend request through the in-game functionality.
Thank you very much!
Jotaku - Replies:
1 - Views: 20787
List of Super Mecha Champions Characters and Abilities Guide
Jotaku - Replies:
1 - Views: 6448
Super Mecha Champions PS4
As of August 2022, there is no PS4 and PS5 version of Super Mecha Champions.
The game is available on PC, Mobiles such as Android and iOS only. Graphically this game doesn't demand way too good hardware so that it can be possible though.
If you do want to see Super Mecha Champions PS4 or PS5 version, please reply to this.
Thank you very much!
Jotaku - Replies:
1 - Views: 19911
[Battle Royale/Doomlight] Shielded Sniper
The build focuses on attacking distant opponents in a wide field using sniper weapons, while at the same time ensuring a win in 1vs1 dueling or small-scaled battles using Doomlight if you suddenly get caught up in a close-range fight.
Cryo Gun may be replaced with Hydra Missile in the second half of the battle with less than 20 players remain
Jotaku - Replies:
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Super Mecha Champions Tier List Guide
In Super Mecha Champions, your performance is different depending on what mecha you use, as well as what kind of character you use, and also what module of mecha you use, plus tech slots.
Do you think changing some slots would make minor results that can be ignored? Personally I don't think so. Because many times I have experienced significant changes in my winrate by more than 10% by changing only few slots of module/tech/etc.
[b]Looking at simple tier list of mechas that are separated by sev
Jotaku - Replies:
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Few things I hope to change in the game - Super Mecha Champions Review
Well this isn't positive and ordinary writing about SMC. I do like the game, and also do think that the most parts of the games are fun I like.However, for human it is natural to have some feelings like missing points right. This is just a little bit things about what I hope to change.
1. Gameplay is kinds of uncomplex in terms of skill number, making gameplays being simple.
I feel like mechas are in lack of skills. I mean, the number of skills. They usually have 4 skills, but in most case
Jotaku - Replies:
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Is Super Mecha Champions offline?
Is super mecha champions offline?
No. This game is a completely online game, and there is no offline game feature at all as of November 2021.
So you can't play without internet. There is also no offline mode for any game modes. It's all about competitive gamemodes (e.g. team deathmatch, battle royale, etc).
I am not sure, but do you think it would be better if the game had offline game mode?
Jotaku - Replies:
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Super Mecha Champions Review: Combat System
Hello. This review is a subjective review, Hope you can take it with a grain of salt.
Personally, I don't think Super Mecha Champions' combat system is much different from normal FPS games. However, the fact that it has a concept like the Gundam game is transformed to Battle Royale is what makes Super Mecha Champions a little new thing from the existing games, and each mecha has only 3 to 4 skills so that anyone can easily play it. I think it's commendable that it's made simple so that you can
Jotaku - Replies:
1 - Views: 9071
Super Mecha Champions Update Patch Notes (Nov 25, 2021)
The new patch on Nov 25th, 2021 includes:
1. New events that runs by December 8th, 2021.
2. Game balances change on mechas:
Hotsteel (buffed), Trio of Enders (buffed), Neutron Star (buffed), Northern Knight (buffed), Aurora (buffed), Andromeda (buffed), Ranger (nerfed)
3. Balance change on vehicles: Unicorn Hovertank (nerfed)
4. Several Adjustments
You can check the full patch note in [url=https://www.supermechachampions.com/news/update/20211124/30914_987570.html]the official web
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Super Mecha Champions Update Patch Notes (Dec 2, 2021)