Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 2801
5 Best Mobile Anime Games of [current-year]
If you are searching for the best anime games with good graphics and stories then you are at the right place. Here is a list of the 5 best mobile anime games you can play on your mobile and iOS. Nowadays anime games are becoming so popular and they contain good graphics and fantastic gameplay. If you are a fan of anime then this game is for you. In this list, there are the world's best anime games that you can play on your Android and iOS device.

Genshin Impact

Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 25058
8 Best Waifu Games in [current-year]
8 Best Waifu Games in 2024

In recent years, the term "waifu" has become increasingly popular within the gaming community. For those who may be unfamiliar with the term, a waifu is a fictional character, typically from an anime or video game, that someone has a strong emotional attachment to. These characters can serve as a source of comfort, inspiration, and entertainment for fans all over the worl
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 3965
5 Best PvP RTS Games in [current-year]
5 Best PvP RTS Games in 2024

Hundreds of New RTS games are being released every year, and various classic RTS games are still being played, so here is the list of the best PvP RTS games that you can enjoy right now.

Real-time strategy games are enjoyable due to many different features, such as building and managing your army and using it to wipe your enemies out. The best thing about RTS or real-t
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 8763
5 Best Anime Hack and Slash Games [current-year]
5 Best Anime Hack and Slash Games 2024

Games have come a long way from the simplicity of early 90s platformers. We now have sprawling open-world games with so many mechanics and systems that you will need an online guide to get them. That’s why a particular genre has stayed a player favorite for doing the opposite. Hack and Slash games have been in the market for a long time, but they were always relegated t
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 5076
5 Best Anime Games on PS5 in [current-year]
5 Best Anime Games on PS5 in 2024

Sony has been a bastion for anything anime related in the last decades. It has not changed as we enter the next console generation with the highly anticipated Play Station 5. Many games can use the better system to push the game mechanics, visuals, and special effects. Some anime games you might want to play on the new PS5 are as follows.

[size=x-large][b]Table of Contents[/b
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 11421
7 Best Anime Games to Play With Friends [current-year]
7 Best Anime Games to Play With Friends 2024

Gaming has always been a group activity from the early days of DnD to the modern FPS multiplayer market. It is always more fun, too, with friends than it is to play solo. But nowadays, with games requiring such demanding hardware and being so expensive, it is pretty rare that you and your friends can play the same game. But all hope is still lost as this
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 3064
5 Best Anime Games on Google Play in 2023
5 Best Anime Games on Google Play in 2023

Times have changed since the early 1990’s when we could only get video games on consoles or overpriced computers. Nowadays, the biggest gaming market is android or smartphone gaming. It allows anyone anywhere to play any game they want. This has led many to cash into this market, it started with basic games, but with the advancement in the users and technology, now significant co
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 2446
5 Best Anime RPG Games 2023
5 Best Anime RPG Games 2023

Fiction has been something people have desired to be true for a long time. To leave behind their boring lives in favor of a new exciting one. DnD brought us closer to that with the power of imagination, and Anime has all but enhanced that feeling with worlds like Naruto’s or One Piece. That is also why Role Playing Games were and still are the favorite genre for many. But we have come a long w
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 3962
5 Easiest Esports to Get Into in [current-year]
5 Easiest Esports to Get Into in 2024

Esports, in recent years, has become the leading entertainment for many, even beating out television for specific demographics. But we can’t forget that all of this fame overnight as it was the combined effort of the community, which has grown in leaps and bounds. It might now be the best out there, but it is the most welcoming by a wide margin, which is why ma
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 8729
5 Best Anime Games for Low-End PC [current-year]
5 Best Anime Games for Low-End PC 2024

Anime games have become increasingly popular over the years, with more and more titles being released each year. However, not all anime games are made equal, and some require high-end computers to run. Finding a good anime game can be challenging for those with low-end PCs. But don't worry! Here is a list of the five best anime games for low-end PCs in [curren