Author: Admin - Replies: 0 - Views: 12873
Analysis of AEG Anime Gaming Clan in the view of its public exposure and marketing
Currently, there are 2 major ways how this community gets people:

1. Through PS Community
2. Through Google Search

So 1st way only targets PS4 gamers and is kinda obvious. So this article will talk about 2nd way.

Problem 1:
So I went deep on what kinds of people find this community through Google search and the results are there are people who find and visit here.
Most of them are PC users. And even among them, only few plays anime games.

Solution for Problem 1:
Author: OtakuOracle - Replies: 1 - Views: 1595
The Impact and Analysis of Macross Frontier Anime
Macross Frontier stands as a compelling chapter within the expansive Macross saga, blending elements of space opera, mecha, and musical into an intriguing narrative tapestry. As a devout and analytical anime enthusiast, I find its layers stimulating. What facets of Macross Frontier captivate you the most? Is it the detailed character arcs, the weaving of complex plotlines, or the unique genre amalgamation that arrests your attention? Furthermore, in what ways do you believe Macross Frontier has