Author: Jotaku - Replies: 2 - Views: 6860
Relationship between the patch on character appearance and online multiplayer
The topic we will discuss this time is when the game developer only updates patches related to the appearance of the game character.

In fact, many games are making updates related to the character appearance. However, in general, the actual game content other than that is also updated.

Personally, I think online multiplayer must be active in order to sell content related to character appearance well. Because there are a lot of people to show off their gorgeous costumes. In fact, many succe
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1802
Guilty Gear Season 3: Johnny Finally Makes His Grand Appearance!!!!
Guilty Gear Season 3: Johnny Finally Makes His Grand Appearance!!!!

Figure 1. Guilty Gear Strive

Ah, [url=https://www.gematsu.com/2023/08/guilty-gear-strive-dlc-character-johnny-and-season-3-update-announced#:~:text=Both%20