Author: Admin - Replies: 3 - Views: 12347
[Quinx, Tsunagi & Rinkaku <Impact>] 1vs1 Bugged Build
I doubt if there would be any updates, but if the game ever gets updated, this is the thing to be considered.
This is a bugged build that provides double effects and this build works greatly in 1vs1 dueling with this bugged feature, but not much effective in team fight game, especially against pro players who know how to deal with this build. So use it with safety. You also will highly utilize auto-teleporting feature of this game that people normally don't know.

If you play CCG, you can use fo
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 16663
Genshin Impact, the example of successful case in the market as an anime game
It is a good time to discuss about Genshin Impact, the new anime MMORPG game.


Genshin Impact makes lots of new players placed at top #3 among all PlayStation games, although it doesn't have its anime series. 
Let's look at the result of the survey we did on this part (https://forms.gle/Nw9CsEjqZsVotNG78)


For the 2nd question about "Can anime game succeed without its anime series?", people are divided to half on
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 4355
Genshin Impact Is the Best Gacha Game of 2022
Games have come a long way since the days of Famicom and Sega Saturn. Nowadays, games need to have multiplayer features and microtransactions to be profitable. This has caused the industry to become stagnant and lower the overall quality of products. Many Genres have been affected by this, but none more than the reasonably new Gacha games. They are primarily based on an anime or have an original story made to be a cash grab. Quality games are rare, and even if you find one, it either has sub-par
Author: MangaMastermind - Replies: 1 - Views: 1987
Exploring the Impact of "Death Note" Animation Series
"Death Note": A Labyrinth of Shadows in Anime Narrative


Yo, "Death Note" isn't just another name in the anime universe, it's like, the black hole that sucks you in with its intellectual darkness, you know? Its insane mind games, the intensity between Light and L, it's all too real and wickedly thrilling. It's not just about who catches who, but a twisted dance around justice, mortality, and power. And let's not even get started on the killer animation detail
Author: MangaMastermind - Replies: 1 - Views: 2253
Discussing the Impact of the "Your Lie in April Manga Ending"
Embracing the Emotional Journey: Your Lie in April Manga Ending


Prepare to drown in the sea of feels as we dissect the soul-shaking "Your Lie in April Manga ending." Through the eyes of our piano prodigy Kōsei Arima and the enchanting, doomed violinist Kaori Miyazono, we're dragged into a whirlpool of intense emotions. This journey is no casual stroll, brooding over life, love, and loss while teaching us the transformative magic of music. The ending may leav
Author: OtakuOracle - Replies: 1 - Views: 1595
The Impact and Analysis of Macross Frontier Anime
Macross Frontier stands as a compelling chapter within the expansive Macross saga, blending elements of space opera, mecha, and musical into an intriguing narrative tapestry. As a devout and analytical anime enthusiast, I find its layers stimulating. What facets of Macross Frontier captivate you the most? Is it the detailed character arcs, the weaving of complex plotlines, or the unique genre amalgamation that arrests your attention? Furthermore, in what ways do you believe Macross Frontier has
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 2265
Eternal Return Twitch Stream Hits 10K Viewers, Nears Genshin Impact and AAA Esports Games!!!!
Eternal Return Twitch Stream Hits 10K Viewers, Nears Genshin Impact and AAA Esports Games!!!!

Figure 1. Eternal Return

Esports is the most recent buzzword of the gaming industry and the most profitable aspect of gaming accepted