Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 12117
Increase contents about anime
According to recent report about top google keywords used to search this website, "yandere manga 2020" takes 1st position in its keyword ranks.

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Top#5 - yandere manga list

More people come this website for anime/manga contents. We might not make all the forums for all the animes, but we can at least make anime/manga forum for anime games we support. Then we can go more p
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 4338
How to increase chance to dodge Dual Orbital
Hi, in order to increase a chance to dodge incoming dual orbital in PvP, you can simply jump then use UFG. This trick let you stay a bit in the air so anyone using dual orbit on the ground will pass under your body. However if they also jump then use dual orbital, you will get hit.
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 2 - Views: 5533
How do you improve your gaming skills?
In my case I play multiple different anime games competitively, I lack in time to practice. So using smaller amount of time to make my performance better is the most important to me.

Following is usually what I do when I want to increase my gaming skills
1. Do read guides by others
2. Practice as directed in guide, see any small increase in performance
3. Write my own guide to identify what I actually did which made that small increase.
4. Repeat the process, review the videos.
5. Once become p
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 4780
Does generating Youtube-only contents actually help people increase gaming skills?
Does generating Youtube-only contents actually help people increase gaming skills?
My answer: 50%. It is just because watching videos is not the most effective, natural and time-saving way to learn something as a standalone tool.

As you see our major contents is many written professional gaming guides around the games, which in many times they come with supporting material like images and videos. However, if you wonder if it ever helps comparing to watching only on some random Youtube/else vide