Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 12214
Best Livestream App for PC 2021 (Tested with Old 2015 PC & Kurtzpel)
Here we mainly focus on the performance of livestream app only, in the points that how light the livestream app is for livestreaming on super low end PC and how well it livestreams smoothly without buffering/lagging.

PC Spec Tested:
CPU - i5-6200U (Released in September 2015)
GPU - Intel® HD Graphics 520 (Released in September 2015)
OS - Windows 10
Storage - 256GB SSD

This is actually a laptop which its weight is less than even 1kg, not even a desktop PC.
I bet you c
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 3717
3 Best PvP Games for Low End PC in 2023
3 Best PvP Games for Low End PC in 2023

Are you looking for PvP games for low-end PCs that have good graphics? I know tons of lightweight games out there that would run smoothly on low-end machines. However, these lightweight PvP games often come with considerable tradeoffs.

First and foremost are their poor visuals. Then comes the unsatisfying gameplay and poor overall game optimization. Playing them makes you question
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 8712
5 Best Anime Games for Low-End PC [current-year]
5 Best Anime Games for Low-End PC 2024

Anime games have become increasingly popular over the years, with more and more titles being released each year. However, not all anime games are made equal, and some require high-end computers to run. Finding a good anime game can be challenging for those with low-end PCs. But don't worry! Here is a list of the five best anime games for low-end PCs in [curren
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 3322
5 Best Esports Games for Low-End PC [current-year]
5 Best Esports Games for Low-End PC 2024

Esports games today require the best and most up-to-date hardware, which is only affordable for some. Some players are looking for games that will be playable on low-end PCs, but games today require the latest hardware to run on pc. However, only a few esports games adhere to this trend because they can run on hardware from previous generations.

It can be
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 6962
3 Best Fighting Games to Play On Low-End PC [current-year]
3 Best Fighting Games to Play On Low-End PC 2024

Are you looking for the best fighting games for low end pc that you can run with max 4GB RAM and old cpu and graphic cards with low processing power? Here's a list of fighting games that fit your demanding system specifications, while also being released relatively close to 2024! We have carefully selected titles that offer great gamepla
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1750
3 Best Low-End VR Games [current-year]
3 Best Low-End VR Games 2024

Thanks to VR gaming, gamers are now able to fulfill their longing desires to step into breathtaking game worlds and live in them. As the craving for VR experiences intensifies, the desire to embark on these thrilling journeys has become an obsession for gamers worldwide.

However, many VR games demand powerful setups and won’t run if you got a low-end PC. Still, in a wo
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 983
3 Best RTS Games for Low-End PC [current-year]
3 Best RTS Games for Low-End PC 2024

Technological advancement in the gaming industry has been the secret to massive success and expansion to a billion-dollar industry. But alongside this advancement a new kind of problem has emerged, this being the need for stronger systems to render and play all the new games. While to many it might not seem that much of an issue, we still need to keep in mind vi
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 612
3 Best FPS Games Low-End PC [current-year]
3 Best FPS Games Low-End PC 2024

Where other gaming genres might prove somewhat difficult for players to understand, first-person shooter game mechanics come naturally to a man. Let’s be honest, who hasn’t among us played with gun toys back in childhood days?!

First-person shooter games, or FPS games for short, employ not-so-different mechanics than traditional plays with gun toys. As such, t