Author: Scoobert2000 - Replies: 3 - Views: 7990
How much damage dose Awaken/Rampage state do?
I know that the Awaken State isn't as strong as Rampage, but I would like to know how much of a damage boost the player gets

Awaken state bonus effect
Attack damage bonus +150? (using no Attack damage skill)
Defense +15 (using no Defense skill)

Rampage state bonus effect
Attack damage bonus: 150+? (using no attack damage skill)
Defense +100? (based off of testing from a ban build)

Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 0 - Views: 1656
exA-Arcadia Arcades Finally Get a much-needed Upgrade!!!!
exA-Arcadia Arcades Finally Get a much-needed Upgrade!!!!

Figure 1. exA-Arcadia

Arcades, the once mighty and highly coveted gaming medium has fallen from its lofty heights with the advent of home consoles, the internet, and most damaging of all affordable PC gaming. Yet it only seems l