Author: Dvoramla - Replies: 2 - Views: 6687
Best Pilots to Use in SMC (Part 1)
Based on the Steam version, released on March 25, 2021
[size=small][font=Verdana]If you're a new player, chances are you'll find it difficult to decide which pilot to use or unlock for your gaming experience. Well, this guide will try to cover in a general way, the reasons to choose one pilot over another when choosing which one to use or unlock. I have to mention that this is from the technical point of
Author: Dvoramla - Replies: 0 - Views: 7981
Best Pilots to Use in SMC (Part 2)
Based in the Steam version, released on March 25, 2021

[size=small][font=Verdana]Finally, after a long time, I have here the second part of the best pilots to use in SMC. Again I have to mention that this guide is focused more than anything on the advantages and disadvantages of using the pilots, since much of this depends on the style of play of each player. That is why some pilots fit better than othe