The player alexander has just registered. Welcome!
Shoutbox archive
25 Jul 04:54
Hi Laffey thanks for the coming back. Personally now i rarely use even discord but thanks for the info.
23 Jul 16:17
Already done all i can with Proton or Mailfence and alias protection along with Odyse and Rumble. but fuck
23 Jul 16:16
Jotaku. i believe there's multiple videos now of how discord harvests your data especially with the App. its a broken clock moment for Revolt or FOSScord/Spacebar. Unfortunately outside of Matrix and XMPP both of which are laggy and unreliable there's not much of a solution
23 Jul 16:15
(...and of course Librewolf with the anti canvas add on.)
23 Jul 16:15
Been uploading like crazy with 1440P and even upscaled 4K game movies though on top of more flash games. I suppose a explanation is in order (though i've began a move toward itsFOSS and Privacy guides for a whole bunch of reasons. especially finding out the Google gmail data mining scandal lawsuit and Donotspy11)
23 Jul 16:14
necropost but sorry, i've been away for the entire spring and summer months