Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 18488
Genshin Impact, the example of successful case in the market as an anime game
It is a good time to discuss about Genshin Impact, the new anime MMORPG game.


Genshin Impact makes lots of new players placed at top #3 among all PlayStation games, although it doesn't have its anime series. 
Let's look at the result of the survey we did on this part (https://forms.gle/Nw9CsEjqZsVotNG78)


For the 2nd question about "Can anime game succeed without its anime series?", people are divided to half on
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 7738
Best Anime Games in Steam as of 2021
As of March 2021, 10 best anime games in Steam by the order of Top Sellers are:
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
Phantasy Star Online 2
Persona® 5 Strikers
HuniePop 2: Double Date
Persona 4 Golden
Attack on Titan 2 - A.O.T.2 - 進撃の巨人2

* We excluded Final Fantasy XIV, Street Fighter V because they are NOT anime games but somehow in the list of anime games by Steam. Having one or two i
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 2 - Views: 13818
8 Best Kawaii Games as of 2021
Gal*Gun 2 (PC, PS4, Switch)

As you see, this is a shooter game. Basically the motivation of this game is anime girl + gun. I remember there was a trend in anime gaming industry long time ago about anime girl + girl = perfect. And that probably motivates this game and Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash and even more, Hentai Arena | Battle Royale. This is one of the most kawaii anime games on PS4. Make sur
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 10426
As of May 19th 2021, I still look for fate extella link multiplayer friends
As of May 19th, I still look for fate extella link multiplayer friends.
If you do own game please comment below with your PSN ID.
My PSN ID is AEG_Jotaku, feel free to add me. Thanks.
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 9285
As of May 31th 2021, I am still looking for Kurtzpel PvE Co-op friends
Hi guys, I need friends who can do pve missions and coops with me.
If you can, please add me into your friendlist. My in-game id is "AEGxJotaku".

Thank you very much!
Author: AnimeGamer - Replies: 1 - Views: 7427
Anime Games to Play When Bored in [current-year]-[next-year]
Anime Games to Play When Bored in 2025-2026

If we go back to the history of anime games in the 1990s, JRPGs or visual novels always dominated the mainstream of anime games history since the first anime visual novel release named Angels' Afternoon in 1985 or popular JRPG named Dragon Qu
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 1 - Views: 6736
Free PvP Games on PS4 as of October 2021
Tried of popular free pvp games like Fortnite? Try something special!

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet

[Image: https://www.animeesports.com/attachment.php?aid=455]

The PvP content part is provided for free as a demo version, and even in the free version, you can use more than 10+ characters available in PvP, and you can enjoy PvP with paid players as well, so it is literally free when it comes to PvP. In PvP, more than 30 PvP playable characters are provided, and up
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 1 - Views: 8055
10 Best Anime Games on PS4 as of October 2021
Following 10 anime games are the most popular on PS4 according to our Anime Game Ranking Database (Voted By Gamers).

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
21 score, 19.09%

[Image: https://www.animeesports.com/attachment.php?aid=455]

More than Alicization Lycoris, it's currently the most popular of all sao game series. It provides almost all kinds of multiplayer such as PvE, Co-op, PvP (team deathm
Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 8674
As of August 2021, I still look for fate extella link multiplayer friends
As of August 2021, I still look for fate extella link pvp friends.
If you do own game please comment below with your PSN ID.
My PSN ID is AEG_Jotaku, feel free to add me.
I have a group chat with more than 10 fate extella link players so you can join here and play with us.

Author: Jotaku - Replies: 0 - Views: 9184
As of August 2021, I still look for tokyo ghoul re call to exist multiplayer friends
As of August 2021, I still look for tokyo ghoul re call to exist multiplayer friends.
If you do own game please comment below with your PSN ID.
My PSN ID is AEG_Jotaku, feel free to add me.
I have a group chat with more than 10 tokyo ghoul re call to exist players so you can join here and play with us.
They will help you a lot.
