10-11-2023, 03:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2024, 11:06 PM by AnimeGamer.)
8 Top PvP Games 2025
Competition is the bedrock of sports, for even in the days of the arcades gamers competed for the coveted top score. Nowadays we have professional leagues that offer gamers a platform like none other. But these leagues have lost sight of the true meaning of competition, and it's not like gamers are at fault. All of this frame has also brought money into the equation which has sucked the soul from these massive leagues. This is why games with grassroots competition are thriving now, as they give gamers what they want. In light of that, we have selected eight of the best of the best PvP games that can reignite the gamer inside of you.
Table of Contents
- Guilty Gear Strive (Fighting)
- Eternal Return (MOBA & Battle Royale)
- MICROVOLTS: Recharged (Third-person Shooter)
- Omega Strikers (MOBA & Sports)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel (Card)
- The Touhou Empires (RTS)
- Trianga's Project: Battle Splash 2.0 (First-person Shooter)
- ESPIONAGE: Mafia Evolved (Strategy)
![[Image: guilty_gear_strive-1.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/guilty_gear_strive-1.jpg)
Figure 1-1. Guilty Gear Strive
First to start off the list we have a game that needs no introduction as it has single-handedly not only beaten industry veterans but has also cemented a legacy for the franchise that will not be forgotten any time soon. It is none other than Guilty Gear Strive, the latest and arguably the greatest entry in the Guilty Gear pantheon of games. Story-wise the game perfectly wraps up all the loose ends of the previous games, only leaving a few that will act as the seed for the next saga. We also got the ending to one of the most beloved characters in the series, Sol Bad Guy as he was finally turned into a human and can now live out his life peacefully with his resurrected wife. Gameplay on the other hand is a massive step up from the previous games, as Arcs took everything they learned and refined it to the maximum. Resulting in one of the most balanced and fair games ever. Every character has a dedicated counter, but with enough skill and practice it can be overcome. So if you want to test your merit in a fighting game master piece then give this modern classic a chance.
![[Image: guilty_gear_strive-gameplay-1.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/guilty_gear_strive-gameplay-1.jpg)
Figure 1-2. Guilty Gear Strive Gameplay
![[Image: eternal_return-1.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/eternal_return-1.jpg)
Figure 2-1. Eternal Return
MOBA is a genre that has become highly saturated in the modern age. Whether it be due to the massive presence of League of Legends or its crappy mobile knockoffs gamers can't say. But what one thing many gamers can say and will stand by is that Eternal Return represents the natural evolution of MOBA. Unlike League, Eternal Return focuses more on making sure that the game is fun and enjoyable for the players first. One of the major ways they have accomplished this is by merging the MOBA genre with the battle royale genre. Not only does this give players new avenues to fight and new scenarios to play. It also raises the competitiveness of the game tenfold, as now each PvP match is a battle to the death and you only have one chance. It can seem quite daunting for new players to battle royales but rest assured the game has been balanced by the developers with the help of certain mechanics which only come into play at the start of the match, ensuring there is a level playing field. While this is good and all to remember even with these mechanics in play, highly skilled players can easily turn the tables. So if you are in the mood for the evolution of a genre then Eternal Return is the game for you.
![[Image: eternal_return-gameplay-2.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/eternal_return-gameplay-2.jpg)
Figure 2-2. Eternal Return Gameplay
![[Image: microvolts_recharged-1.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/microvolts_recharged-1.jpg)
Figure 3-1. MICROVOLTS: Recharged
It is a very popular meme in the manga community to say that if you think of any hair-brained story plot it already exists. Well, it seems like the same phenomenon is happening to gaming. As a game that can only be described as Toy Story meets Army Men has recently taken the PvP FPS genre by storm. The entire plot of the game is that figurines have come to life and are now fighting against the enemy toys and in certain cases themselves. The gameplay like the story is out of this world, as the third-person camera is responsive and the shooting feels natural. The main draw of the game is the customizable figurines which you can then use to play against other players, and aside from the core six weapons, nothing has a major effect on the gameplay. So if you want to be part of this rising PvP game, then get it today for free on Steam.
![[Image: microvolts_recharged-gameplay-1.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/microvolts_recharged-gameplay-1.jpg)
Figure 3-2. MICROVOLTS: Recharged Gameplay
![[Image: omega_strikers-2.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/omega_strikers-2.jpg)
Figure 4-1. Omega Strikers
In the modern age, we have seen the gaming industry rise from obscurity to massive popularity, a feat never been seen before. But with this metaphoric growth we have seen the end of innovation in the gaming industry, look no further than Ubisoft and EA. This is why when a few breakaway developers from Riot Games start up their own studio and claim to make a game to rival League, the gaming world pays attention. Omega Strikers is the name of the game and Odyssey Interactive is the developer. Compared to other games in the same genre, Omega Strikers focuses on getting players into the heat of the battle as soon as possible. Meaning the matches are quick and brutal requiring not only skill but also team coordination. Players also have the choice of picking the type of character they want to play from a revolving roster of characters. So if you want to witness a new gaming titan being born join Omega Strikers right now.
Figure 4-2. Omega Strikers Gameplay
![[Image: yu_gi_oh!_master%20duel-4.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/yu_gi_oh!_master%20duel-4.jpg)
Figure 5-1. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
Next on the list, we have a game that is bound to refresh your memories of the 90s and the early 2000s. It's none other than Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, which is the best card collecting/batting/simulation game on Steam right now. And with good reason as it is an accurate remake of the battling system and has all the iconic and even some of the lesser-known cards from all previously released collections. Master Duel also has by far one of the best tutorials of any PvP game I have ever seen. It allows players to not only get a step-by-step guide on how to build decks but also how to optimally use them. Konami has also placed a lot of emphasis on the PvP modes of the games making sure that each of the cards is as balanced as possible. So If you want to relive your best moments from childhood while having epic PvP card battles then Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is the game for you.
![[Image: yu_gi_oh!_master%20duel-gameplay-4.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/yu_gi_oh!_master%20duel-gameplay-4.jpg)
Figure 5-2. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Gameplay
![[Image: the_touhou_empires-7.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/the_touhou_empires-7.jpg)
Figure 6-1. The Touhou Empires
RTS and PvP are two genres that many new gamers have never heard muttered in the same sentence, as the prime time for RTS has long passed. But ask any gamer from the 90s and he is bound to have nostalgic tales of playing classics like StarCraft and Age of Empire. This is why when Neetpia a small studio from Japan announced it was gonna be making a game based on the classics, with the backdrop of the Touhou franchise, gamers of all kinds were hyped. Not only has the developer promised to make the game resemble the classics, but it has also promised many quality-of-life improvements to the original formula to truly bring it to the 21st century. One such improvement is the new and improved net code that will allow for seamless online connectivity. Which in turn lays the foundation for a thriving and flourishing PvP community. Coupled with the fact that the game can draw inspiration from the vast Touhou franchise, for not only units, maps, and abilities, but also for the narrative which will no doubt be a spectacle all onto itself. So if you wish to be part of this modern RTS renaissance, wishlist the game on Steam now as it is an exclusive their.
![[Image: the_touhou_empires-gameplay-9.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/the_touhou_empires-gameplay-9.jpg)
Figure 6-2. The Touhou Empires Gameplay
![[Image: trianga_s_project_battle_splash_2_0-4.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/trianga_s_project_battle_splash_2_0-4.jpg)
Figure 7-1. Trianga's Project: Battle Splash 2.0
PvP games since the start of the modern age have long since been associated with the likes of first-person shooters or FPS for short. This is due to the inherent advantage the FPS genre allows for players wanting PvP, as it devolves into a matter of skill and who is the better player. On the other hand, the FPS genre has become stale in recent years to the point many of the most popular games in the genre all feel the same. Or so was the case until Trianga’s Project: Battle Splash 2.0 hit the market. And brought alongside it the most varied and unique FPS game concept seen since Titan Fall 2. As in the game, you will take control of several characters, each unique and different, with an assortment of weaponry to fight for your life. Against whom you ask? Well, that’s simple, in the single-player mode you will fight against aliens who came from deep space to take over the serine and peaceful land you call home. Whereas in the multiplayer and PvP modes, you will use a combination of skill, absurd weapons, and insane movability to fight for the title of the very best against another player. So if you also wish to witness this one-of-a-kind FPS game then get it now on the Steam store as it is an exclusive there.
![[Image: trianga_s_project_battle_splash_2_0-gameplay-7.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/trianga_s_project_battle_splash_2_0-gameplay-7.jpg)
Figure 7-2. Trianga's Project: Battle Splash 2.0 Gameplay
![[Image: espionage_mafia_evolved-1.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/espionage_mafia_evolved-1.jpg)
Figure 8-1. ESPIONAGE: Mafia Evolved
Last on the list we have by far one of the most unique and fun PvP games on the market. It goes by the name of ESPIONAGE: Mafia Evolved and was developed by Another Time. What makes this game stand out from the rest is that unlike other games it does not involve any fighting at all. Instead, players will take on their opponents in a game of shadows and mystery. As eight players will embark on a social deduction game with an underlying air of dread and mystery. They fight for the rewards and treasures of the old defunct mafia, but while they are guided by greed and ambition they must always remember some secrets are better left forgotten. Players will be assigned select roles at the start of the game and from there they will have to employ strategies, and tactics and make alliances to ensure their victory. But alas players should never forget that the human mind is a fickle thing and it takes but a small misunderstanding to spoil carefully laid out plans. So If you wish to experience this truly bizarre and unique game then get it now on Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux. Plus it also supports cross-play with all platforms.
![[Image: espionage_mafia_evolved-gameplay-1.jpg]](https://www.animeesports.com/images/articles/espionage_mafia_evolved-gameplay-1.jpg)
Figure 8-2. ESPIONAGE: Mafia Evolved Gameplay