Hello everyone the build I have for you today makes use, neigh focuses on an underrated and thought to be trash weapon that I and a few others believe to be the second best weapon of its weapon type. The main weapon of this build and the weapon we hold to such high acclaim in none other than the "AMR Breakthrough 4", a sniper rifle with an amazing 12,200 base weapon damage and 400% weak spot damage, an average 150% base critical damage and a mere 0.50% critical hit rate. What gives this weapon such a poor stigma is the fact that it only holds a single bullet at a time and has an extremely long reload time, but everyone the build I will be showcasing to you today rids the weapon of its weaknesses and brings out its true potential as a weapon capable of one shooting enemies and wiping the health of bosses.
The base stats we want for this build are (147 str,207 vit,231 int,255 agi,255 dex, and 71 luc). Heres the reason why we need these exact stats, our "str" needs to be specifically at 147 because when we equip our accessories it will take us to the exact amount of "str" needed to equip our weapons, "int" is at 231 so that we can use our buffing skills and debuff skills "int" also reduces cool down times so it's a big help,"agi" is at 255 for the speed and defense it gives,"dex" is at 255 so that we can equip our weapons and do max damage it will be further bust by our accessories,"luc" is at 71 for the defense and so we can use our healing skill the extra one point is from not having enough "cp" to put another point in "vit", last is "vit" after putting the exact amount of points into the other stats put as much as you can into "vit" the remaining amount of "cp" you should have will leave you with 207 "vit" and enough "cp" to put one more point in "luc" the accessories will bring our "str to 221,dex to 323, and luc to 105".
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The two accessories that are used in this build are the rewards from reaching 166.25mil and 172.5mil bounty, the one from the 166.23mil bounty gives "+40 str, +34 dex, +34 luc, and the avoid instant death at 10% perk" this boost our "str" more so along with the "str" boost from our other accessory we can use our sniper without investing to many stat points the "dex" boost our weak spot and critical damage even further and the "luc" ...

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"From the day you were born from your first breath, and till the day you lie down to take your last, I have and will be beside you. So be not afraid, fear not the name of the reaper."-Reaper 2.0 (Assassination