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How to make a good build in Eternal Return (with Orb Walking Theory)

So I reveal the core mechanic of how this game's build system works like that nobody else will ever let you know.

Without knowing this you will probably end up trying as many builds as possible out there on dak.gg website in real matches without making much of your thoughts on each builds you tested, but probably be unable to reach to the conclusion on what was actually good one among many builds unless something showed you a good winrate continuously over many days at the same testing condition omitting luck/unluck factors, or you will also end up swapping only little things on your build over and over again which also doens't really improve your performance for many days. This entire process is kinds of huge waste of time for you since you will have to test as much as possible in practices. But if you know the secret of this game's internal build mechanic by reading this post, you will save huge amount of time making your overall performance as good as those who spent minimum 2~3 times than you into this game. You save huge amount of time by reading this than just trying many builds on dak.gg website.

First of all, is making a good build really important in Eternal Return?
Not the most important, but still affect by 16.66~33% out of your entire winning factors from my perspective. From my perspective, build in this game takes about 16.66% of your entire winning factors and your micro-control will also takes about 16.66%. Playing OP character also takes about 16.66%. So sum is 16.66*3=50%. Then, what is the rest of another 50%? Well, what is also very important is getting good party members. If you play duo or squad, getting good party member is the most important and largest factor to win over your build and your micro-control from my perspective because this game allows you to dominate duo/squad with premade party members in which the game modes also accepts solo queues in duo/squad game modes, and the most of solo queue players are mostly yolo-ing. If the game's duo/squad either does not allow solo in duo/squad, or allow only solo in duo/squad, then yeah I would very likely consider giving more than 16.66% for builds and micro-control parts though. 

And to give more details about OP character explained above, the game balance is complete random, it changes every 2~3 weeks by the update. And the performance gap between highest tier character and lowest tier character is about 16 times, which is huge. 

[Image: cKGjBCK.png]

[Image: 5JhuvOo.png]
(this win% of character list has taken on June 8th, 2022)

As you see the highest performing character has 16% winrate while lowest performing has 0.8% (let's say 1% by rounding up). The gap is 16 times. By looking at average of top 5 highest characters and average of top 5 lowest characters, I assume there is at least 6 times gap between them. So what character you play will impact your winrate huge, and the only way to overcome is to play many different characters.

About builds, they do not affect more than approx. 33~40% of your performance (this 33~40% isn't same or similar thing as "16.66~33% of your entire winning factors" written above. Here I am taking about totally different thing, which is the damage output in which you will see the explanation of it soon) by its fundamental system design, which shows that the impact of build part upon your win is low anyways, affecting no more than 33~40%. If you don't understand what this means, please go practice arena and use an attacking skill (again, one skill only) upon dummy, that has hp 2400 and def 200, with melee focused meta build, then do same but with skill amplification focused meta build. The gap you will see between them in damage will be approx. 33~40%, for any characters (e.g. if one of your skill inflicts 300 damage with skill full amplification build, by changing your build to full melee build that has 0 to very low skill amplification and do the same skill. Then you will see that it gets around 200 damage for same skill you used without skill amplification. So total decrease in damage is about 33%. This can goes up to 40% if you put only very high skill amplification items only, but will not go more than 40%. Here what you need to focus on is NOT 200 and 300 things, but focus on the damage gap between the skill damage using full skill amplification build and skill damage using full melee build, or reversely damage gap between the melee damage using full skill amplification build and the melee damage using full melee build). Thus, since build itself doesn't have much impact no more than around 33~40% of your overall performance, this is another reason for why I said build alone does not contribute more than 16.66% of your entire winning factor in the previous paragraph other than premade/yolo factors. We might have seen many dramas if it was over 50% though lol.

To sum up, your winrate will be determined by mostly premade party you play with if duo/squad since the game allow yoloq on duo/squad, then the OP character you play in all game modes, your micro-control and your build all together, from my perspective on the game's fundamental design.

Regardless of the fact that build doesn't do much things in this game, you still want to create or utilize good build although your build doesn't impact too much. The another secret here that no one else will ever tell you here is that combo design actually affects your micro-control performance the, and combo design itself is the outcome of good build design (and this is why I said "16.66~33% out of your entire winning factors" above as combo is a part of your micro-control). So you still want to know about how to create good build to design combo as well. If you know how to create good builds, your action skills will also improve. You focus on another 33% winning factors that is subtracted by another 50% about how your allies are good and another 16.66% about how OP character you play.

Offense Capability Testing

You can test your build with many ways such as playing the game over and over again, test in practice arena, repeatedly kill Wickeline in Practice arena to check the build performance, etc.

However, the most working and fastest way to measure the build performance I found is:
In practice arena, make your character max level with max weapon skill level, then spawn a dummy with def 200 and HP 2400, and measure following 4 things (all of these tests can be done in only 10 minutes)
1. Skill Damage that inflicts the highest numerical value.
2. Performance of 5 hits of Melee Attack. Repeat this 5 times and divide by 5 to get the average of accumulated damages.
3. Performance of continuous Melee attacks for 10 second on Dummy and check for accumulated damages. Repeat this 3 times and divide by 3 to get the average of accumulated damages.
4. (this part can be omitted) Damage output of your combo. If you made a combo, test it 3 times then divide by 3 to get the average of accumulated combo damages. If you do have attack speed or attack range increase attribute in your build, try to put melee or ranged attack in your combo. If your build includes boosts on only skill amplification then you don't need to put a step of melee or ranged attack in your combo.

If you are going to make skill amplification focused build, you can focus on 1.
if you are going to make melee focused build then you want to focus 2 and 3, both well balanced.
If you are going to make a hybrid build then you want to test of all those 3.
If you make combo, I strongly suggest testing 4.

Let me explain what each number in the list above specifically means when it comes to the offensive performance as a build.

"1. Skill Damage that inflicts the highest numerical value" is pretty much straightforward and clear. You just want to make a build that is strong when using skills. However, just one tip is, I recommend that you want to make a combo utilizing yours skills. Focus on hitting as many skills as possible correctly in a shorter time as short as possible if you do focus on this thing.

"2. Performance of 5 hits of Melee Attack" will show the performance of your attack move, AKA "orb walking" as a official terminology used in various Dota-like MOBA games.

However, from my experiences, in Eternal Return, there is no actual cancellation of your melee animation and also no instance recharge of your melee from cutting animation. You will see some says "by performing Orb Walking, you can cut the animation of finishing (aka "recovery") part of the melee and immediately cast the next melee in Eternal Return", but this is untrue. Even though you do it and cut the finishing part of melee animation, you will still need to wait until next melee goes. So what is the secret of doing this thing behind that no one else is telling you? The answer is melee range. Although you have slower attack speed than your enemy but if you do have longer range, you can inflict one hit of melee to your enemy while that enemy is moving, and you immediately cut the melee animation by moving. Since you already cut the animation and moved while your enemy is getting close, although enemy has faster attack speed than you, it will result in the case like that you hit one time and your enemy can also hit you only one time just like you, so your enemy does not get benefits from faster attack speed than yours. This is huge benefits and I saw many top notch players utilizing it. You can do this by hitting one melee, click somewhere else, then immediately attack again, repeat it.

* Regular attack (melee or ranged) has 3 part : windup -> attack -> recovery. Cutting windup part of melee animation won't do anything but just make your character move. It's considered as "melee is not even started yet", so you can cast melee anytime later. However, if you cut the animation during recovery time, you will still need to wait until invisible melee cooldown time is recharged and that is same time as you don't cut the recovery animation but simply wait during the recovery time after an attack.

"3. Performance of continuous Melee attacks for 10 second on Dummy" means how strong your melee build when Orb Walking isn't involved. This basically determines how strong your melee is when being stationary. Use your cellphone's stopwatch app to check it.

So, for having good value upon 2 and 3 is the important as a melee build, while 1 is the most important for skill amplification build, and all of 1~3 for hybrid builds. If your goal is full melee build, you should aim both of orb walking and stationary melee being effective together for all the situation.

So, test all your wondering builds upon those 4 basis, then you will want to choose one with the highest value upon either 1 (skill amp), or 2 & 3 (melee), or 1 & 2 & 3 (hybrid).

* If you want to make a hybrid build focusing on all of 1 & 2 & 3, then you may want to aim the criteria 1 of your hybrid build does output 75% skill damage of another full skill amplification build you have. Similarly, criteria 2 & 3 of your hybrid build should output its melee damage at 75% of your another full melee build's criteria 2 & 3. This is the secret of the real hybrid. It can be 75% or more, but cannot be 100% otherwise it doesn't make sense as a hybrid, right?

Usually you can easily increase output damage of criteria 1 by having skill amplification in your item (of course), easily increase output damage of criteria 2 by having attack power (or crit chance/damage) in your item, and easily increase output damage of criteria 3 by having attack speed in your item. Attack range isn't involved any of them. However, attack range is the most concerned if you utilize Orb Walking a lot, then attack power since criteria 2 is for increasing performance of Orb Walking.

Finally, you can calculate overall melee performance by calculating average sum of criteria 2 and 3, which is (criteria 2+criteria 3)/2. However, when you try to yield criteria 2, you want to multiply the result by attack range since it's about orb walking performance testing, in which attack range is involved. Similarly you can multiply criteria 2 by attack speed as well because orb walking is indeed also affected by attack speed a little bit. Take this build as an example. Please make sure this overall melee performance is just approximate with simple math, but not the truth or definitive at all!!!

* As of May 25th 2022, movement speed also doesn't do much thing in this game. Rather, using skills for mobility or slowing down your enemy works far better.

* Life stealing is good if you want to be a little better in melee fights. This means you don't have to always have it on purpose unless your build somehow had this trait by luck. It's good to have, but not mandatory.

Defense Capability Testing
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Jotaku, Anime Game Gamer
I. Eternal Return - Korea Diamond Tier
II. Super Mecha Champions - NA Legendary Tier
III. Tokyo Ghoul: re Call to Exist - NA Top #2
IV. Strinova - Asia Gold Tier
V. Guilty Gear Strive - JP 8th Floor
VI. Onmyoji Arena - Asia Diamond Tier
VII. Fate/EXTELLA Link - NA Top #9

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