I guess I want to participate in AEG SAO Fatal Bullet Avatar PvP Pro League but I do need to farm and level up the stuffs.
If you think you can help me, feel free to comment below with your PSN ID. I will invite you to the game room whenever possible.
Or you can add "AEG_Jotaku" on psn but when you add please say that it is about playing saofb together. Otherwise I have no idea what game you want to play with me.
Thank you very much
If you think you can help me, feel free to comment below with your PSN ID. I will invite you to the game room whenever possible.
Or you can add "AEG_Jotaku" on psn but when you add please say that it is about playing saofb together. Otherwise I have no idea what game you want to play with me.
Thank you very much
Jotaku, Anime Game Gamer
I. Eternal Return Korea Diamond Tier
II. Super Mecha Champions NA Legendary Tier
III. Tokyo Ghoul: re Call to Exist NA Top #2
IV. Fate/EXTELLA Link: NA Top #9
V. Senran Kagura PEACH BEACH SPLASH: NA Top #3
I. Eternal Return Korea Diamond Tier
II. Super Mecha Champions NA Legendary Tier
III. Tokyo Ghoul: re Call to Exist NA Top #2
IV. Fate/EXTELLA Link: NA Top #9
V. Senran Kagura PEACH BEACH SPLASH: NA Top #3