08-10-2022, 05:36 PM

Based in the Steam version, released on March 25, 2021
The Alpha Coins are the secondary coin in the game, this means that the Alpha Coins can be used to differentes things like Mecha's skins, pilot's skins, and consumables. This "secondary" also means that is the second free coin of the game.First of all, let's to learn "How to get Alpha Coins".
The Alpha Coins have two differentes ways to be obtained, the free way and the pay way.
- In the pay way we can obtain these coins:
- Buying a pack of Alpha Coins with Crystals in the store of the game.
- Exchange Crystals for Alpha Coins in the screens that alow you to see a "+" simbol next to your amount of Alpha Coins.
- Buying a "Limited Weekly Pack" that include Alpha Coins.
- In the free way we can obtain these coins:
- Daily missions and Weekly missions for the Clan.
- Daily quizzes "Instructor Vita's Exercises" at least 1 correct answer.
- First daily share in any screen in the game.
- Reward in the "A-Student Tutor" daily event; it's a permanent event available for all the players.
- A possibility of obtain Alpha Coins with the "Daily Login Pack" in the store.
- Login rewards for the Monday days.
- Login rewards for the Tuesday and Friday days.
- Reward in the "Weekend Login Reward" event, mission of 'Log in for 2 day(s)'.
- A possibility of obtain Alpha Coins as reward in "Commission" missions.
- Monthly credit rewards, the levels 1 to 9 have Alpha Coins.
- Reward for reach a specific level in the Battle Pass (There are Alpha Coins availible in the Free Pass and the Pay Passes).
- Exchangeable resource "Coin Box" with season coins in the season pass.
- Periodic events of Sign in, availabes in the game.
(I no have images about this type of event.... sorry

- Events in the game, depend of the type of event we'll can exchange "event coins" for differents prizes like Alpha Coins.
- Events in the game, depend of the type of event we'll claim Alpha Coins, when these type of events are available, we'll need to complete some missions in order to claim the Alpha Coins or obtain event points for differents prizes.
- Weekly mail from SMC, by the ranking of the clan at the end of week.
- Mail with rewards for the participation and your last possition in "Weekly Pinnacle" event.
- Mounthly mail from SMC, for the ranking of the clan at the end of the Seasson.
- Periodic mail from SMC, by the maintainment of server for updates in the game.
- Prize of grade B in Chromatic gacha, SS Skin's gacha and Event gachas.
- Tier Reward for complete 8 games after to reach the Silver Tier in the on going season.
- Season Reward at the end of the season and start of the next, for reach a determinated Tier.
- "Path of Growth" rewards to reach the levels above 51 (Since the level 51 to 100).
- "Career System" rewards for accumulate a determinated amount of points.
- Rewards of "Proficiency" for reach a determinated level with the mecha.
- Alpha Coins in Pilot's Gifts, that can be obtained with every pilot after to reach the level 13 with it.
- Alpha Coins can be obtained throught the "Bulk Recycling" in the inventory of each user; you can decide the stuffs to recycle.
- Alpha Coins are one of the differents rewards that you can obtain with Gift Codes.
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"Aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada"
Un jugador bastante nuevo en cualquier juego; en el futuro espero seguir aportando tanto contenido como pueda XD
Un jugador bastante nuevo en cualquier juego; en el futuro espero seguir aportando tanto contenido como pueda XD