With June coming to an end, I thought it would be good to go over all the changes made in the meta since last year as many discoveries, many revolutionary have been made in the past month and I will be presenting that info here, with some discrepancies of course.
[New Switch Glitch Combo]
The biggest news on the scene at the moment was a new order of button combinations that would allow you to preform the switch glitch, while it may be less effective compared to the original combo in general cases, it makes up for that by giving players an easier time when swapping weapons using the quick shot skill, this puts quick shot back into the second place spot in terms of meta relevance after it's "dethroning" .
[Snipers Become Meta]
With well know players in the Reddit and discord community like me, nova, silver and "master chief" beginning to use snipers more often
(most notably the AMR Breakthrough,AMR Grimreaper and Sound Deadner) in our speed runs, snipers have jumped into meta relevance with discussion toppin...

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"From the day you were born from your first breath, and till the day you lie down to take your last, I have and will be beside you. So be not afraid, fear not the name of the reaper."-Reaper 2.0 (Assassination