This build is made to tank and heal from as much damage as possible without flinching, allowing the user to have to not stop attacking, you'll soon see that this build if played properly can be unstoppable. That said before we get into the build it self we are going to start with how to play it. Your going to be trying to keep Susano'o Armor up at all times while only resorting to using Demon Hunter when when you take damage, I'll go into more detail on this in the build description. The main objective you want to work on is building up you special gauge so that you can begin dominating the fight. So with this we will now dive into the build
Role & Equipment
The role type your going to equip will be Defense this boost your defense and health a great deal and allow you to use defensive ninjutsu, next for your weapon your going to equip the Scientific Ninja Tool "Double Moon Sword: Zero" yes that entire thing is the name of the weapon. This weapon is fast and allows the user to make up for the defense types weakness of being slow which is great for survivability and damage. Next up is the Ninja tool that you'll be using which is the Blast Bomb the reason being that it can be trown directly or trown on the ground to set up your opponent, the explosion also has good range letting it hit multiple target. Now for what armor you'll equip, your top will be the Sasuke Outfit 2: Top so you can get the First Blood skill which makes your special charge faster, next your bottom will be the Boruto Outfit Bottom for the Clear Mind skill which reduces ninjutsu cool down time. Lastly for your accessory you'll equip the Anime Series 20th Anniversary Costume (Sasuke) which gives you the Battle Hardened skill which heals you every time you get a kill. All together this allows you to keep your defensive and healing skills up, lets you reach your special quickly and heals you while you fight.
Your ninjutsu are going to be Demon Hunter which unleashes a charging slash that heals you based on its damage but also gives you an aura that stops you from flinching. Next on the list is Suano'o Armor which gives you an auto block that can't be broken and lets you fight while blocking. For your substitution jutsu your using Time Space Hop which after teleporting you away from danger your cool downs are reduces and you become invulnerable for a short period of time. The final thing is your secret technique or special depending on which you like to call it, which will be Snake Sage Mode, upon entering this form all your health is healed, your health is increased, you attack, defense, and speed are boosted but you can use your other ninjutsu. This all grants you self healing, invulnerability and no flinching all while allowing you to reduce cool downs and not stop attacking
Conclusion & Video
This build lets the user stay on the offensive while not only not sacrificing defense but boosting it, while also covering the weaknesses of this role and letting the support player focus on themselves and the other party members. I've made and posted a video of me clearing a mission with this build and as you can see even the two boss monsters couldn't keep me down.
Here it is.
As a bonus i wanted to recommend something extra, for your accessory slot you might want to also consider a one with the Unbending Will skill as it might be better for survivability since it in combination with your other skills should give you near instant access to your healing and defense ninjutsu when your in a pinch which might be better than the small amount of healing received from Battle Hardened.
This build is made to tank and heal from as much damage as possible without flinching, allowing the user to have to not stop attacking, you'll soon see that this build if played properly can be unstoppable. That said before we get into the build it self we are going to start with how to play it. Your going to be trying to keep Susano'o Armor up at all times while only resorting to using Demon Hunter when when you take damage, I'll go into more detail on this in the build description. The main objective you want to work on is building up you special gauge so that you can begin dominating the fight. So with this we will now dive into the build
Role & Equipment
The role type your going to equip will be Defense this boost your defense and health a great deal and allow you to use defensive ninjutsu, next for your weapon your going to equip the Scientific Ninja Tool "Double Moon Sword: Zero" yes that entire thing is the name of the weapon. This weapon is fast and allows the user to make up for the defense types weakness of being slow which is great for survivability and damage. Next up is the Ninja tool that you'll be using which is the Blast Bomb the reason being that it can be trown directly or trown on the ground to set up your opponent, the explosion also has good range letting it hit multiple target. Now for what armor you'll equip, your top will be the Sasuke Outfit 2: Top so you can get the First Blood skill which makes your special charge faster, next your bottom will be the Boruto Outfit Bottom for the Clear Mind skill which reduces ninjutsu cool down time. Lastly for your accessory you'll equip the Anime Series 20th Anniversary Costume (Sasuke) which gives you the Battle Hardened skill which heals you every time you get a kill. All together this allows you to keep your defensive and healing skills up, lets you reach your special quickly and heals you while you fight.
Your ninjutsu are going to be Demon Hunter which unleashes a charging slash that heals you based on its damage but also gives you an aura that stops you from flinching. Next on the list is Suano'o Armor which gives you an auto block that can't be broken and lets you fight while blocking. For your substitution jutsu your using Time Space Hop which after teleporting you away from danger your cool downs are reduces and you become invulnerable for a short period of time. The final thing is your secret technique or special depending on which you like to call it, which will be Snake Sage Mode, upon entering this form all your health is healed, your health is increased, you attack, defense, and speed are boosted but you can use your other ninjutsu. This all grants you self healing, invulnerability and no flinching all while allowing you to reduce cool downs and not stop attacking
Conclusion & Video
This build lets the user stay on the offensive while not only not sacrificing defense but boosting it, while also covering the weaknesses of this role and letting the support player focus on themselves and the other party members. I've made and posted a video of me clearing a mission with this build and as you can see even the two boss monsters couldn't keep me down.
Here it is.
As a bonus i wanted to recommend something extra, for your accessory slot you might want to also consider a one with the Unbending Will skill as it might be better for survivability since it in combination with your other skills should give you near instant access to your healing and defense ninjutsu when your in a pinch which might be better than the small amount of healing received from Battle Hardened.
"From the day you were born from your first breath, and till the day you lie down to take your last, I have and will be beside you. So be not afraid, fear not the name of the reaper."-Reaper 2.0 (Assassination