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3 Best Upcoming Esports Games 2025-2026

3 Best Upcoming Esports Games 2025-2026

Gaming and Esports, which were once thought to be the most niche of niche hobbies have blossomed into a multi-billion dollar industry. An industry that is slowly and surely taking over all other forms of media from feature films to books. And why shouldn't they? Unlike the above-mentioned media gaming puts control in the hands of the players and has them experience a story that will not only make them sad but also jump with joy. Along these lines, esports is the principal of sportsmanship as it provides all players with an equal ground to show their merit. Which is why we have compiled a list of the best upcoming esports games, which are as follows:

Table of Contents
  1. Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash
  2. The Touhou Empires
  3. Second Wave

Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash

[Image: jujutsu_kaisen_cursed_clash-1.jpg]
Figure 1-1. JJK Cursed Clash

Jujutsu Kaisen or JJK for short is a series I am sure everyone is aware of at this point. It is the latest hit from the acclaimed Shonen Jump comic. It is a tale of hardship and its many forms, of the burden one carries for his past, and above all else it is a story that delves deep into the depth of humanity's depravity to peel all the layers and show what is beneath. Which also happens to be related to the main power system of the story and game cursed energy. And nope you didn’t read that wrong, the series is finally getting a much-needed game that will not only flesh out the combat system of the story but also provide some much-needed expansion to the base story. Bandai Namco also happens to be the publisher of the game and is releasing it on all the major platforms such as Windows, PlayStation, and Xbox. Combat in the game is in the form of 2v2 fights that take place in a 3D arena, with each character also being given their cursed techniques and domains to ensure everything is accurate to the source material. Meaning fans of the series will be finally able to play as Gojo Saturo and the infamous Sakuna. Judging from the hype around the game and Bandai’s previous track record with the Ninja Storm games we can expect that esports will also play a major factor in the impact of the game. But only time will tell the final result. So if you want an authentic game with the soul of the sorcery then JJK Cursed Clash is the game for you.

[Image: jujutsu_kaisen_cursed_clash-gameplay-1.jpg]
Figure 1-2. JJK Cursed Clash Gameplay

The Touhou Empires

[Image: the_touhou_empires-1.jpg]
Figure 2-1. The Touhou Empires

Touhou is a name that needs no introduction as it is by far one of the most popular underground series in the world and with due reason. It features many games with excellent gameplay, exquisite lore, and massive replayability. The only thing seemingly lacking from the games was esports potential. Or so was the case until the announcement of the latest entry to the series by the name of The Touhou Empires. A strategy-building game that puts you in command of units to destroy your enemies. Story-wise the game is said to have a short campaign that will serve the purpose of getting players ready for the competitive scene that is bound to rise. The game takes many aspects from the highly popular Age of Empire series and merges them with the tried and true difficulty of the Touhou games to give players an experience they won't forget any time soon. So if you are in search of a game with old and new ideas merged to perfection then this game is for you. It is set to be released on all Windows platforms.

For The Touhou Empires, You can visit the AEG Esports Tournaments to find out an esports tournament opportunity with a cash prize, or join the Discord to connect with multiplayer friends.

[Image: the_touhou_empires-gameplay-1.jpg]
Figure 2-2. The Touhou Empires Gameplay

Second Wave

[Image: second_wave-1.jpg]
Figure 3-1. Second Wave

Last, on the list we have a game that has some lofty ambitions as it set forth to merge the third-person shooter genre and the MOBA genre into some things spectacular, it is none other than the Second Wave. Set to be released on the PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and Windows platforms the game aims to bring back the old days of shooters with a new modern twist for esports. It accomplishes this by having the most exhilarating team-based PvP system yet. You can choose to form an assortment of characters with different abilities and also add more variety by equipping weapons that either enhance your abilities or change them completely. All of this feeds into the core loop of the PvP system which encourages players to not only experiment to find the right build but also to try and synergize their builds with their team. Aspects such as these are what form the core building blocks of esports and hence it can easily be deduced that the game will have a thriving esports scene as soon as it is released. So if you wish to join the hype train before it gets going then Second Wave is the game for you.

Figure 3-2. Second Wave Gameplay


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Hi, AEG does not hold Melty Blood Type Lumina online tournament, but probaly EVO would host its tournament. (check EVO lineup at https://i.imgur.com/3IesrBn.jpeg)
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When is the registration deadline for the next Melty Blood Type Lumina online tournament?
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