04-24-2021, 11:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-21-2021, 03:20 PM by Divine_211.)
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When on their own pistols may seem like they can't hold a candle to the other weapon types but when paired with specific skills and techniques pistols have become not only the most versatile of the weapon types but now has one of if not the highest dps scores and that is what i am here to tell you here today
Weapon Arts
The pistol weapon art is one of if not the most overpowered weapon arts in all of Fatal Bullet the pistol weapon art lowers skill recharge times drastically now this may not seem like much but this allows you to spam heals spam debuffs such as stun field,viral shot,and skill freeze but when paired with the skill we will be discussing in the next section it allows the pistol to do major dps
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"From the day you were born from your first breath, and till the day you lie down to take your last, I have and will be beside you. So be not afraid, fear not the name of the reaper."-Reaper 2.0 (Assassination