An offensive build that mainly utilizes Narukami's loaded lightning bolts at maximum in PvP, with strong capability of special move that oneshot enemies. This build is more likely sniper build. SLOT VARIANTS 1. Temp.Special, Special Move + 150%, Awakening + 120% can be replaced with Stamina Efficiency + 20% and 2 of Ranged Attack Damage + 100% for increasing 1vs1 dueling capability. The build in the picture is best optimized to team fight rather than dueling. 2. Change Demon Yamada to Taruhi and get balanced form skill. It will double all your damage only except special move and ranged rounded paralyzing balls, but make sure random or instant death may happen more frequently, especially against decent players who know how to dodge Narukami. Using IXA shield isn't recommended because decent players know how to dodge your counter or trick you while you are blocking. USAGE
- It is recommended to lock en...
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I. Eternal Return - Korea Diamond Tier
II. Super Mecha Champions - NA Legendary Tier
III. Tokyo Ghoul: re Call to Exist - NA Top #2
IV. Strinova - Asia Gold Tier
V. Guilty Gear Strive - JP 8th Floor
VI. Onmyoji Arena - Asia Diamond Tier
VII. Fate/EXTELLA Link - NA Top #9