Awaken your weeb soul. Join anime girls in isekai battles, claim victory, unlock exclusive rewards. Don your armor and weapons, and start isekai adventures with your waifu!
Gaming is a simple little word that holds great meaning for over half the population of this planet we call home. Because for them it's more than just a simple little hobby, for some it’s the light that saved them from the dark, it’s the community that accepted them when others shunned them, it’s the place where one's love for games as an art form isn’t mocked or ridiculed because gaming is like no other. And alongside it stands Esports the shoot-off that elevated gaming from a mere hobby for the rest of the population to a mainstream juggernaut. But this path was not an easy one as they were halted on many occasions and only succeeded due to the relentless effort of the fans and the success of the tournaments they organized. One such tournament is the lustrous DreamHack Atlanta.
DreamHack Atlanta
Figure 2. Guilty Gear Strive
To say gamers are unified would be a gross misrepresentation of the community, but one thing I can say with full confidence is that FGC ( Fighting Game Community ) is the beating heart of Esports. A heart that beats from the hollowed halls of Atlanta as it is the home base for many of the biggest FGC groups and the tournament DreamHack Atlanta is its most prominent feature. Just like previous years, the tournament is set to take place from the 15th of Dec to the 17th at 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW. And just like previous years, it is bound to attract the best of the best players from all over the states and the world to come and compete for a chance to win and get the title of champion in Guilty Gear Strive and Granblue Fantasy Versus. It will be no small feat as the best of the best gamers and esports players will also be in the race to take home the prize of the best, because, in major tournaments like this, the names of the winners are forever immortalized, ensuring that their name will live on even after them. To sell this charm the tournament has been organized in such a way that is impossible for anyone to miss the major events such as the game, but that’s not all as smaller stalls have also been set up for players to enjoy and relax.
Registration into the Tournament
Figure 3. DreamHack Atlanta Stalls
If you are planning to visit then head over to the official website for the tournament to register yourself as a participant and partake in a chance to win the massive 1500-dollar cash prize. With the registration fee of only 26 dollars for a single-day pass and 79 dollars for a three-day one. But if the official site isn’t your first choice then you can try to use the registration portal present at the game plage as it can also give you some crucial advice for your first encounter.
So to conclude we can say without a doubt that the tournament is shaping up to be one for the books. As this time around we can also catch the tournament live from their official Twitch channels with the handles DreamHackFighters and DreamHackSmash. So if you wish to join a community that will accept you for who you are and want to try your hand at the title of the very best then DreamHack Atalanta is the tournament for you.
Hi, AEG does not hold Melty Blood Type Lumina online tournament, but probaly EVO would host its tournament. (check EVO lineup at