Anime Games that allow you to create your own anime characters (avatar) online:
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Phantasy Star Online 2
Code Vein
Soul Worker
Genshin Impact
Tower of Fantasy
Among them, following games are the most popular anime avatar creator games according to best anime games database:
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Genshin Impact
Tower of Fantasy
Phantasy Star Online 2
Anime Games that allow you to modify existing characters, which is also your playabl character, but do not allow you to create your own character:
Kandagawa Jet Girls (but pretty much customiable)
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash (but pretty much customizable
Fate/Extella Link (very limited at just some costume level)
Black Clover: Quartet Knights (very limited at just some costume level)
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Phantasy Star Online 2
Code Vein
Soul Worker
Genshin Impact
Tower of Fantasy
Among them, following games are the most popular anime avatar creator games according to best anime games database:
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Genshin Impact
Tower of Fantasy
Phantasy Star Online 2
Anime Games that allow you to modify existing characters, which is also your playabl character, but do not allow you to create your own character:
Kandagawa Jet Girls (but pretty much customiable)
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash (but pretty much customizable
Fate/Extella Link (very limited at just some costume level)
Black Clover: Quartet Knights (very limited at just some costume level)
Jotaku, Anime Game Gamer
I. Eternal Return - Korea Diamond Tier
II. Super Mecha Champions - NA Legendary Tier
III. Tokyo Ghoul: re Call to Exist - NA Top #2
IV. Strinova - Asia Gold Tier
V. Guilty Gear Strive - JP 8th Floor
VI. Onmyoji Arena - Asia Diamond Tier
VII. Fate/EXTELLA Link - NA Top #9
I. Eternal Return - Korea Diamond Tier
II. Super Mecha Champions - NA Legendary Tier
III. Tokyo Ghoul: re Call to Exist - NA Top #2
IV. Strinova - Asia Gold Tier
V. Guilty Gear Strive - JP 8th Floor
VI. Onmyoji Arena - Asia Diamond Tier
VII. Fate/EXTELLA Link - NA Top #9