Currently, many anime games are being developed in the form of MMORPGs. For example, Blue Protocol is.
Therefore, even if there is PvP content in the anime games we play, leveling and item farming will inevitably become essential elements to become strong in PvP as the most MMORPG requires leveling and item farming. For example, Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet avatar mode does, and also Kurtzpel does. They both requires leveling and farming. I am unsure of Project GAMM and Blue Protocol, but perhaps they will.
Just like we do in the current pro league, if we can schedule a power leveling/item farming time and do it all together, I think it helps a lot of gamers and also I think this will be an opportunity to lead more people to participate in the AEG Pro League such as saofb avatar pvp and kurtzpel pvp and so on. What do you think?
Lastly please reply if you are up for this plan, along with which game you can help people.
Therefore, even if there is PvP content in the anime games we play, leveling and item farming will inevitably become essential elements to become strong in PvP as the most MMORPG requires leveling and item farming. For example, Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet avatar mode does, and also Kurtzpel does. They both requires leveling and farming. I am unsure of Project GAMM and Blue Protocol, but perhaps they will.
Just like we do in the current pro league, if we can schedule a power leveling/item farming time and do it all together, I think it helps a lot of gamers and also I think this will be an opportunity to lead more people to participate in the AEG Pro League such as saofb avatar pvp and kurtzpel pvp and so on. What do you think?
Lastly please reply if you are up for this plan, along with which game you can help people.
Jotaku, Anime Game Gamer
I. Eternal Return - Korea Diamond Tier
II. Super Mecha Champions - NA Legendary Tier
III. Tokyo Ghoul: re Call to Exist - NA Top #2
IV. Strinova - Asia Gold Tier
V. Guilty Gear Strive - JP 8th Floor
VI. Onmyoji Arena - Asia Diamond Tier
VII. Fate/EXTELLA Link - NA Top #9
I. Eternal Return - Korea Diamond Tier
II. Super Mecha Champions - NA Legendary Tier
III. Tokyo Ghoul: re Call to Exist - NA Top #2
IV. Strinova - Asia Gold Tier
V. Guilty Gear Strive - JP 8th Floor
VI. Onmyoji Arena - Asia Diamond Tier
VII. Fate/EXTELLA Link - NA Top #9